I don't care just what you think, as long as it's about me [FOB- I don't Care]

Feb 02, 2009 11:06

Sarah, Christine, Rachel, and I are going to see Fall Out Boy in April [=

This is awesome and sad at the same time, haha. Sarah and I have seen FOB 6 times prior. Lol. (Three times we weren't going for FOB, we were going for the headliner, and FOB just happened to be playing.)

I'm excited. I miss actually hanging out with people. It's been too long, and nobody ever seems to have time to hang out anymore. Everyone is busy with their other friends... and I'm okay with that. If people prefer their friends over me, then have fuuun cause I'm moving on. I'm tired of sitting around waiting for someone to want to hangout. I'd rather just make plans with people who are willing. [=

Oh and some people need to get their attitude in fucking check. If you are gonna talk shit to your friends about me, then don't get an attitude with me when it comes full circle. Take your 5-year-old attitude elsewhere cause I'm done with your ass. You always talk about how you're "grown" and how you're much more mature than the people you're around. You're only lying to yourself. It's time for a reality check

Sorry for the vent.

oh, and, STEELERS WON SUPERBOWL XLIII!!!!!!! ♥ So happy.

superbowl 43, fob, vent, steelers

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