Hey all!
As I do in other games to keep things organized, I like to give everyone an update about twice a month about what tags are due in case someone missed a post, LJ didn't send a response, etc. We're still a relatively small community, but I hope that changes soon!
Thread Updates:
- Gwen/Owen is tagged here. [Jack, Gwen, Owen] (OWEN, WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU?)
- Wesley is tagged here. [Angel, Gunn, Wesley, Cordelia]
- Willow is tagged here. [Buffy, Willow, Tara]
- The Doctor is tagged here. [The Doctor, Rose]
Thread Ideas:
- Jack/Ianto having a heart to heart
- The Doctor/Rose running into Buffy & co.
- Cordelia having a vision which brings them to Sunnydale
We need more characters! Sigh. I'll promote again, hopefully we can spark more interest.
Thanks all! <3