Nov 29, 2009 14:54
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Things I'd like: Note the icon! LOL, it doesn't have to be smut, though. If you could find a way to connect these three in a fic, I would love you forever. Or it could be Lindsey/Cordy/Angelus. Or, you could pair Cordy with either guy. If you're writing Cordy/Lindsey or Cordy/Angelus, let your imagination run wild! If you're writing Angel/Cordy, there's more of a canon base to work with, and I would like it if it were set during the run of AtS, pre-Connor/Jasmine-gate.
What I can do: Fic, for those three (or either pairing) would be my strongest offer. Other pairings that I've been interested in, but have never written are Buffy/Riley, Giles/Anya, Connor/Dawn, Faith/Spike, and Xander/Willow (which I have written 1 fic of before).
What I absolutely CAN'T do: slash, graphics, videos.
2009 wishlist