(no subject)

Nov 28, 2009 20:52

E-mail address: dementedpenguinproductions (at) gmail (dot) com

Things I'd like:
*Fanmixes, Fics, or Art for these Pairings: Illyria/Spike, Fred/Wesley, Illyria/Wesley (hurt/comfort), Buffy/Spike, Willow/Oz, Giles/Faith.
*Prompts for Fic/Art: in hell, stuck in a vamp nest, Ripper re-emerges, three weeks in Russia, a barrel of whiskey, grave dust stains panties
*I'm a huge fan of fic that spawns randomly from an author's mind. :)
*By art, I'm seriously happy with nothing more than a small set of icons.

What I can do:
*FIC. The thing I'm probably best with is writing fanfics. I'm good at angst, hurt/comfort, fluff, and I don't think I'm too bad with the smut if properly inspired.
*Fanmixes. I give them funky titles, though. XD
*Graphics. Icons, banners, manips, etc.

What I absolutely CAN'T do:
*With writing, I do squick on certain pairings. I absolutely can't do anything Buffy/Giles. It makes my brain hurt.
*I'm not great at M/M. I'll give anything a shot once, though.
*Vids. I'm uber-perfectionist if I'm going to make a video, and I wouldn't be able to do one in the time frame.

demented_mei, 2009 wishlist

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