Random Thoughts

Oct 24, 2009 09:26

I hate it when people talk about their ex spouses in such an awful way.  Yeah, I know there's anger and often bitterness there; it's just the way of the situation.  But to not ever be able to find something nice to say about them?  If she was so awful, why did you marry her in the first place?  Because you loved her.  Despite the problems between the two of you, there are times that she should be shown respect.  Remember, this is the other parent to your child.

Why do people say "Just relax and you'll get pregnant."  Relaxing isn't going to make me ovulate.  Relaxing isn't going to correct my destroyed fallopian tube.  Relaxing isn't going to make my husband's IBS go away and thereby eliminate the medications he's on.  That's like saying, "Go watch a movie about airplanes and then you'll learn to fly."

On the same note, I can't for the life of me figure out why people say, "Don't worry, you're young," when they find out someone is having trouble getting pregnant.  So what?  Isn't it when you're young supposed to be the time that you can get pregnant with no problems, the time when you're the healthiest?  Don't tell me that anymore; I know how old I am, thank you very much.  And that doesn't have squat to do with legitimate infertility.

Honesty is a bitter pill to swallow at times.  And if you tell someone to be bluntly honest with you, if you tell someone not to hide any issues, when those things come out don't blow up at that person for saying them.  You asked for it!  And then don't tell another person, "If I have issues with you, I'll tell you about it," then wiggle around the question of, "What is your problem?"  Telling me that you'll confront me with issues (while you obviously have a current issue with me) and bitching me out about me "playing games," isn't exactly telling me what that issue is so we can work on it.  So either shut up or put your money where your mouth is.  You wanna talk the talk, then by God, you'd better learn how to move your feet.  Otherwise, you're just a pathetic liar.

Why are laptops so damn expensive - only to die two short years later?  Wtf.

If we make plans to get together and I tell you that dinner will be ready at 6:30, and there's an entire group of people going to be there (including someone with IBS who can't eat late and a one year old baby who's hungry and therefore crabby), don't come strolling in at freakin' 7:45 and then tell me you had to stop at two or three different places to shop, because you decided you had to have whatever impromptu gift you decided to bring before you came to my house, but procrastinated until it was already past being too late.

Why is it that I got up at 7:30am to prepare for an early morning delivery and it's now 10am and nobody has shown up yet?

family, circle, baby, seventh chevron, wtf

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