Big Time Sparks

Jul 09, 2012 00:33

‘Sup, I’m Rin and I’ll be doing this week’s episode discussion on request from the lovely fever_play~

(It’s technically Monday already for me, so shhhh!)

So Big Time Sparks was the first Big Time Rush special. I’ll be honest, I was a bit leery of watching this episode at first (as I came into the fandom waaaay late, so I was default leery of most episodes), but once I did, I loved it. Jordin goes to Rocque Records to record her new single and Gustavo tells the boys to stay away from her because they’re ‘Bad Luck Rush.’ Which of course inevitably means that there was no way the boys were able to stay away.

One of the more amusing things for me, personally, was how Kendall and Jordin kept getting caught in supposedly incriminating positions by Jo.

Followed shortly by the ‘Good Luck Patrol!’

Mostly because before this we don’t really see Carlos and Logan interacting much on a one-on-one basis, and then they have this whole storyline where they try to ‘protect’ Jordin from bad luck and fail hilariously.

But they’re cute, so it’s all good, right?

During all this drama at the Palm Woods, Gustavo has to deal with a skunk that was shipped to him by his rival, Hawk, who didn’t like the fact that Jordin wanted to work with Gustavo over him. The process of Gustavo involves many glue traps, a lady skunk puppet, copious amounts of hiding terribly, and a remote control truck. None of which help him catch the skunk. Gustavo, it’s safe to say, is terrible at catching animals.

And of course, who could forget when Big Tim Rush knocked Jordin down a well, before following her down shortly after in their attempts to get her out?

Well, except for Carlos, our special little snowflake. He trapped himself down there voluntarily with his friends because he was lonely. Even though he had only been on his own for all of a minute. Carlos, never change.

Of course, then Kendall uses his brain and calls Freight Train to get them out, which he does, only for the boys to find out about Gustavo’s terrible animal catching skills. They then proceed to show Gustavo how it’s done in Minnesota, where they catch things all the time, much to my delight and amusement. (I love this scene, really.)

Then, because it’s their show and Jordin, a famous singer is guest staring, they of course have to have a duet, which turns out to be the very song that Jordin went to Rocque Records to record in the first place.

Insert music video montage of the boys plus Jordin singing.

And then because they can’t leave anything unfinished (and no justly deserved revenge not executed), Jordin and BTR time up one more time to help Gustavo get back at Hawk.

So everyone gets their happy ending!

…Except Kendall, because his luck really is terrible with Jo in this episode.

-Just how do you think Kendall managed to convince Jo that nothing was going on with Jordin? (a lot of begging was involved, I’m sure)
-Why does Gustavo know what Freight Train trying to sound like a lady is like?
-James totally rocks goggles, y/y?
-Did you have any favorite scenes/moments? (mine is probably when the boys catch the skunk, ngl)

mad monday, episode discussion

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