Episode discussion: Big Time Photo Shoot

Mar 12, 2012 23:52

Hello! I'm a little late, but today we're talking about Big Time Photo Shoot.

Dak Zevon shows up! As some sort of HSM/Twilight crossover movie star.
Thousands of screaming teen fangirls...and none for BTR.
Marcos Del Posey!
Gigantic stuffed puppy holding space matadors on a snowmobile! (This is where, for me, the constant Monkee's comparison makes the most sense.)
Gustavo does community service for blowing up Matthew McConaghey's mailbox.
Mama Knight being involved in Katie's life. (Alert the presses!) ...and leading a troop of crazed fans..
Katie being Katie.

So, what are your favorite moments in Big Time Photo Shoot?
Anything you didn't like?
Any lines you quote from this episode constantly?
What is with Griffin's leather flight jacket?
Why do all the bodyguards in BTR wear yellow security jackets except Freight Train?

Any thoughts?

Have fun, discuss!

mad monday, episode discussion

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