Hey there, me again!!
I found a download of the first Angelique Special 2 drama CD, and I just finished listening to a scene that absolutely cracked me up.
Sei-Lan appears, and Oscar starts flirting with him, thinking he is a young woman. Sei-Lan plays along anyway, and calmly reveals "I'm not a lady" when Oscar calls him "Lady". Of course, Oscar is shocked, and even Victor, who was in the scene as well is very shocked to learn Sei-Lan is a guy. XDDD
This is especially targeted to those of you not familiar with Angelique: here's a picture of Sei-Lan. Would you mistake him for a woman at first sight?
Oh dear gods, I couldn't stop laughing after hearing that!
That's it for now. Ja ne~!
EDIT: Adding to this Angelique-centric entry, I just heard the scene in which Lumiale stabs Oscar! Whoever possessed Julious possessed Lumiale as well, and he regained his sense of self right after stabbing Oscar. Seriously, all I could say when hearing that was "holy shit!" and even then I could only whisper it...it was just such a shocking scene!