spn_j2_bigbang artwork "Freedom's Just Another Word"

Jun 14, 2013 01:00

I've had the extreme pleasure to be the artist for Arabia764's fic, "Freedom's Just Another Word." Working with her was a huge joy and I would happily do it again, any time!

I created several pieces for her, as is my usual plan when I art for someone. I created two lead banners (she liked both so much she couldn't choose which one she likes best!) and matching icons for them, as well a several other pieces.

Lead banner 1 and its icon:


I thought the manip was created by lightthesparks but she said it's not hers. I *think* it belongs to Traveler-in-time, then. I will double-check and make the correction. *headdesk*

Lead banner 2 and icon:


J2 then and now:

Again, crediting lightthesparks for the manips of J2.

Jared in the desert:

Making Love (other artist to give credit to - Traveler-in-time @ Tumblr):

Baby Tizzy (and the guys)

The guys and Tizzy:

Jared and Tizzy:

Jensen and Tizzy:

Upset Jensen:

I hope you all enjoy this artwork as much as Arabia764 does. Thanks for giving it a look!

freedom's just another word, manips, fanart for spn_j2_bigbang fic, lightthesparks, arabia764, jared padalecki, travelerintime, jensen ackles

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