Jan 05, 2006 11:53
I am not sure what I should do in finding a new job. BW3 is hiring and that would be a fun place to work at since I love that place. Wherever I can work I will work, just not fast food. So last night we went to Dill Street and had a decent time. I had some girl come up to me and ask me to dance, which I accepted. I can't dance and she kept asking all these questions about me and saying how cute I was. No offense to her but that is not for me. After the song was over I thanked and left her to find my friends and stand around. The national championship game ended and I was kind of forced to go out again. It was my idea in the first place but I became tired and wanted to go to bed. Overall, it was an okay night. My friend Amanda cried on my shoulders for a few minutes telling me she loved me and missed me and was sorry. She was drunk of course, but was talking about how she was part of getting me fired from work. I forgave her of course. Thats about all...nothing too interesting.