Jun 23, 2010 09:59
As we approach our 42nd anniversary (June 25), I still forget that our definitions of things are still so far apart. For example, we decided that the 4 wheel drive vehicles don't get put into 4 wheel drive sufficiently often (like never) to keep all the pieces and parts lubricated. John suggested that we take my 4 Runner and his truck on a back road to Sahuarita. The road, according to him, isn't too bad and is about 20 miles of dirt. Ok, I agree. Monday night, he suggested we take my 4 Runner and go to Sahuarita's McDonald's (haute cuisine for us)using this road. OMG, it took me an hour to get there. The "good" part of the road was at the very beginning and very end and I didn't understand that those were the good parts. The "not too bad" part, was basically a 1.5 lane WASHBOARD from hell. Every time I tried to actually go more than 10 MPH, the damn rear end tried to lead the way. I AM NOT AMUSED WHEN THE CAR THINKS IT IS IN CONTROL. You would think that really, I would have figured out that his definitions were NOT going to be anywhere near my definitions. On top of that, the Sahuarita McDonald's was out of ice cream! However; we went to the Green Valley one and I got my hot fudge sundae. I was not going to go through that ordeal without compensation. I think that the next time the 4 wheel drive parts need lubrication, I'll just trade in the car!!!
In reality, my mood is unsurprised that I fell for it again.