Jun 02, 2009 11:48
Never check your Baggage!
I don't have any plans to travel any time soon. I have not seen any movies about traveling. So why is it that my brain decided to have a traveling dream I will never know. I can understand why a group of my friends were in the dream as we had gotten together that evening for a game of Munchkin, Great game if you have never played.
My dream begins with my friends, 2 nephews (10 years younger than they actually are), and myself on an airplane that is about to land. As we are about to get off the plane, I mention to my friends I need to get my luggage. They all gasped! Their reply, "Picking up checked luggage costs $800." This of course confounds me as I never had to pay for picking up luggage before, only to check it in. But I need that luggage so I say that's fine. We needed to hurray however as we had a connecting flight in 3 hours.
Once off the plane we start to head into the terminal when confusion strikes; there are no signs that indicate where to pick up luggage. Figuring that this would probably become obvious within a few minutes we continued on only to walk for about an hour with no sign of the baggage pickup.
At this point I decide to seek out an airport employee and come accross a waitress who I inquire where the baggage pickup may be. She responds with some directions that even a GPS couldn't find. So I request that she guide's us which she agrees. About another 1/2 hour or so she leads us into this room that over looks an open area in the airport. At this point the room turns into a bar and she begins distributing drinks.
Frustrated and furious I seek out a manager and inform him of the poor service and explain how difficult his airport is. He replies that the answer was simple and all I have to do is follow the little ashtray robot, to which one of my friends replies oh yea I knew that.
Restraining from committing an unspeakable act against my friend, we all head back to the starting point to find these ash tray robots (which kinda resemble the robots from Red Dwarf with an ashtray on top). The only problem is that the Airplane for the connecting flight has already taken off with my 2 nephews (about 6 and 8 at this time) aboard.
Knowing that all hope was lost, I stick my finger in the ashtray as instructed by the manager and the robot wizzes to life and directs me down a path that becomes a dirt road and the robot becomes a golf cart. After about an hour drive we find the baggage pick up area...
At this point I wake up, enraged, infuriated, and utterly confused...
Couple of notes for those who like to analyze dreams:
- That evening I had my friends over, the same that were in the dream
- I was utterly evil during the game of Munchkin as I played a thief to the fullest extent of which my friends now all hate me
- I have had no thoughts, movies, or inclinations recently of travel
- I have not spoken to those nephews in awhile (nor any of the others nieces or nephews of which I have 19)
Not sure, but this one was bizzare.