Jun 02, 2009 11:42
Sorry for the lack of responses, A lot has been going on
My mom is still doing ok, the Chemo and Radiation have been continuing and the good news is that they have not seen further growth that I know of.
The job is still stagnant but there have been some positive developments. I have some temporary work so I am not on quite as much rocky ground. I have an interview I am highly interested in, in about a week.I am being assured at work that things will begin to stabalize soon so I am no longer worried about a layoff.
I am still searching for a house and I just put down an offer. I know it is kinda weird with work being topsey turvey, but this is the best time to buy, plus my lease will be up soon. If I wait, I risk living as a vagabond until I can buy a house, or having to wait another year while I continue renting.
Things are alot better however, my stress level is way down, and I am at ease. :-)
Thank you all, I will post when anything permenant can be reported