In which we bitch, moan, cry, whine, and get advice/help/sympathy.

Mar 04, 2008 12:51

Hello ladies! (And gents?) The posting dates are coming up March 9th - 23rd, so it's getting to be that time folks!

We thought it was a good time to open up the floor for the bitching and moaning segment of the event. You know you've been waiting for this! By now, I'm sure that many of us are experiencing some level of frustration with these boys, who, as pretty as they are, can be slightly uncooperative at times! Is Helo a closet never-nude? (Which is, I believe, cynthia_arrow's pet theory.) Does Tyrol have a perpetual headache? Has Anders suddenly decided he's asexual? Does Hotdog just want to be "friends?"

→ insert exasperated sigh/fit of frustration here ←

I did a little research. And by little, I mean, hardly any. But here we go:

According to Wikipedia, our version of the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, otherwise known as Earth's repository for all human knowledge, writer's block is defined as the following.
Writer's block is a phenomenon involving temporary loss of ability to begin or continue writing, usually due to lack of inspiration or creativity.

Let's take a look elsewhere. For instance, the always reliable has the following to say about writer's block:
An imaginary non-existant concept designed to help writers feel less guilty when they lack the mental capacity to write well for a certain time period.

Oh, OUCH. Urban dictionary is a bastard! *kicks*

Some resources found through google:
Dissolve Your Writer's Block | Hack Your Way Out of Writer's Block | Writer's Block/Writer's Anxiety
(And for the record, in Dissolve Your Writer's Block, I thought number 5 read "Plunge into the scary pants." *sporfle* How fitting!)

Now that that's out of the way, let's open up the floor for discussion/angsting, etc!

Ready. Set. GO!

!!modpost, meta: writer's block

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