"It'll be our little secret."

Mar 03, 2008 20:40

(...or, "Baltar/Gaeta bigass picspam of DOOM. And emo hotness. But mainly doom.")

So, for those of you that missed it, the other day one of our lovely mods made a picspam of subtext-y goodness focusing on the men of Galactica and their inability to go without having any angsty/hot/shirtless/rampantly homoerotic scene of some sort together for any longer than, say, five seconds.
However, she pointed out some self-admitted weaknesses, and I quote: "there are gaps here, notably with Baltar/Gaeta."

Naturally, I could not let this stand.

So, after...a lot less time and effort than I should be willing to admit, really, I present to you a 58-image long Baltar/Gaeta picspam, spanning all three (well, mainly S1 and S3, because they're in all of two eps together in S2) seasons and to the ends of both the major spectrums of their relationship (those being "tee hee hee" and "OH GOD").

No need to thank me, really. I do it out of love.
A love of two screwed-up science dorks and their epicness of going from being adorable and amusing to downright heart-rending while only half the world paid any attention, and that are, admit it, the closest thing to canon gay our little show has.

And if you don't believe that now, well. Watch closely. Let's just see if we can't change your mind.

First, we have a repost of what I started over in cynthia_arrow's original picspam, with season one (and two...ish). Theoretically, before Baltar/Gaeta even got really noticeably gay. Uh huh.
While I admit I put these out of order to heighten both comedic effect and overall slashiness...well, for being on a show composed of so many closed-off macho military types, these two sure seem to like to touch each other. Like, a lot. And exchange some fairly smouldering looks over scientific notations.

Ah, good times.

And then we have the rest of it, when their relationship took on a significantly different tone. Starting with the New Caprica arc, or, as I like to think of it, "when it stopped being funny".

First, some S3 promos (fellow spoiler-hors, you try telling me you didn't freak out a little back when you saw that third one for the first time):

And then, the actual screencaps, in (mostly) order this time to better track the progression of the hurt (and where I am once again reminded that James Callis and Alessandro Juliani frequently do more emoting with just their eyes than some actors are seemingly capable of in their whole faces):

Ladies and gentlemen (though, I suspect, mainly ladies) of the jury, I rest my case.

Episodes the screencaps (courtesy of BSG Caps) were taken from, in case you're interested:
Miniseries, Part 2
1x02, "Water"
1x07, "Six Degrees of Seperation"
1x10, "The Hand of God"
1x12, "Kobol's Last Gleaming, Part 1"
2x09, "Flight of the Phoenix"
2x20, "Lay Down Your Burdens, Part 2"
3x01, "Occupation"
3x02, "Precipice"
3x04, "Exodus, Part 2"
3x13, "Taking A Break From All Your Worries"
3x20, "Crossroads, Part 2"

Um, also, if you're interested in more Baltar/Gaeta, you may want to look at this slightly older fanmix of mine (link file probably expired, but I can reupload if necessary).
Or perhaps this vid by nicole_anell.
Or, for that matter, this vid by cerebel.

picspam, meta: subtext

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