General Guidelines for Posting at this Community

Jun 18, 2008 16:16


-- Please keep your posts on topic.

What is allowed? → Aside from any fic written for any of our challenges and events, slashy picspams, discussions, ship manifestos, topic-y questions for your fellow writers/readers, etc. are always welcome here.

What is not allowed → Simply, don't advertise unrelated work. (Including icons and fic.) When it comes to posting fic, please only post fic that is written for an event held at this community. If you want to advertise unrelated work, you can always post that at bsg_slash and many other bsg-related communities. It's not that we don't love the hell out of all bsg slash, it's just that we want this community to be for discussion and fic-writing events. If you'd like to advertise another community or event, please contact one of our maintainers to get permission before posting.


--Any pickiness about ratings/kinks? Nope. Anything from pre-slash to smut to serious kink!fic is cool here… as long as stories are labeled as such and things that might potentially disturb people (if you're a kink writer, you know what those are) are listed in the warnings.

--Length? 500 word minimum unless otherwise specified in the challenge.

--Spoilers? Please label for spoilers, future spoilers as well as episodes already aired. Especially recently aired episodes.

--RPF? (Real Person Fic?) Why not!

--Crossovers? Sure! Just keep them show-centric. (Meaning no RPF crossovers.)

--Women allowed? Sort of. This is for m/m slash only, so that leaves out het and femmeslash. Women are, however, perfectly welcome in a threesome - as long as it's clearly a slashy threesome and not just an excuse for sneaking in the het. In other words, MMF not MFM. The boys MUST be touching!


Subject lines: Please include the title, pairing, and rating. Example: Bunk Mates (Helo/Apollo, R).

Headers: Make sure to include the following info in your header, if applicable, and in any format you choose. Here is an example:
Warnings: (if you have any-about spoilers or about potentially disturbing violence or sexual situations)
A/N: (if you have any)

!!modpost, !guidelines

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