RDM, Podcasts, Interviews and the Line

Jan 28, 2009 19:03

I admit, right up front, that I have a bias, in the sense that, intentionally or not, Ron Moore can often be fairly insulting.

This character does have a name, by the way. While we always call Six, Number Six is how she's referred to in the scripts. This character is called Gina. And Gina comes out of the fact that there are certain- (laughs) I love this- there are certain people out there in the fan- in the fan community, and I know who you are, that refer to the show as "GINO." "Galactica in Name Only." And there was something so funny about that, and I always got a kick out of people who refer to the show as GINO. (Laughs) They couldn't even bring themselves to just call it Galactica, they had to really make up this other name, that it was GINO. And I just decided that, "Let's call the tortured Six Gina." (chuckles) But it's never actually spoken in the show." - Ron Moore, “Pegasus” podcast (2005)

Now...you know what? Yeah, there's some pretty fucked up fans out there. We all know them. Hell, some of them are currently watching nBSG, you know? But....as much as a few of the GINO fans can be a tad over dramatic, most of them are pretty reasonable people. It's those folks who kinda kept the torch lit, because they liked classic BSG. Sci-fi wouldn't have taken a chance on "GrimShipOfDeath with Vaguely Scifi Name".They took a chance on reimagined BSG because of the name, and the fans.

So yes, the Galactica In Name Only people - and this isn't really an organized group really, just what some of the more vocal people who used to be attached to Richard Hatch's ass call the new show. And... as a classic fan, really, they have a point. But they aren't bad people. And I don't know that I think its all that funny that the show producer said this. But I am a classic fan as well as a new show fan and maybe I am just oversensitive.

I can also be fair and admit that part of my problem here is fan reaction, specifically on TelevisionWithoutPity.com. So Ron, in one of the podcasts about the Pegasus arc, goes on about how he wanted Sharon raped on the Pegasus, and that it was filmed but not shown. This led to a whole lot of disagreement and the banning of one of my ids on TWoP, because I am a pretty firm believer that it needs to happen on my screen to be canon.

Thats where I first heard the threat, and I am curious if others have. The threat? "If people don't act grateful and just pick apart Ron's podcast, he'll stop doing them."

Because Ron is so open and accomadating, he wasn't to be criticized. Not for bad episodes - and Season 2.5 had a pretty run of poor episodes, and certainly not for revealing bits "canon" or spoilers or for often making bitchly comments about the people who watch the show.... Has anyone else heard the threat? I heard the wife goes to the skiffy boards and bitches people out.

Which leads to my final gripe, the fact that viewing the show isn't enough, and the audience is somehow wrong to not seek out the podcasts, the previously scenes that never actually aired previously, the web episodes (which btw we're supposed to be grateful for because no other producer would fight to do this, even though most other producers can crank out 20 episodes of tv in half the time Ron manages, and since the *lengthy* breaks in the seasons started when Ron ran out of classic episodes to steal from, and have been increasingly lower in quality) and I can't help but feel like RDM doesn't think too much of the fanbase, his amazing sacrifices to do podcasts aside. I don't know... Am I required to kiss his ass and agree with him?

I liked the show before he did, after all.
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