Admin-type post

Jun 26, 2010 13:15

Hey folks. Just a couple of things.

* I had a message asking whether this comm is just for the dropping off and picking up of plotbunnies, or whether you can use it as a place to ask for feedback on plotbunnies that you're working on, as well.

Yes, you definitely can. Just make it clear in your post that you're after feedback, and hopefully you'll get plenty. The only thing I would say is that if you're working on something that you really don't want other people to get ideas from, I wouldn't post it here, as people will be browsing for new plotbunnies and may get inspired by your story.

Otherwise, feel free. This comm is here to hopefully encourage lots of lovely shiny new BSG fic, so use it in whatever way you need to!

* I'm going to leave the poll open til tomorrow evening, and then we'll see which name everyone has voted for.

We've got 32 members as of this post, which isn't bad for two days, I don't think. So now is the time to start releasing those bunnies and seeing what comes of them.

I'm going to try (try) to keep on top of making sure everything is nicely tagged so that it's easy for people to track down exactly the kind of thing they are looking for, so don't be surprised if your bunny is suddenly spouting tags all over (I like tagging stuff. I am strange and unusual).

Thank you to everyone for joining and showing interest, and calebar77 and I hope to get to know all the new folks soon!



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