BSG Watchers guide to Downton Abbey characters

Oct 04, 2012 15:30

So, I did up a list comparing Downton Abbey characters to Battlestar Galactica ones.

I'm sure some of my choices won't be that popular. *snort*

But if you're thinking of watching either show, it might help! Or not... Depending on your preferences...

Just a bit of fun. Those who are insulted, get over it...

Contains slight spoilers for 3.2 and 3.3, but you might not notice.

Elsie Hughes = Laura Roslin

They both: Are redheads of a certain age. Never married. Have no children. Adopt tall boys named William. Are in charge of a certain population of the show. Have a male partner who is in love with them. Can’t admit their love for their male partner because of their responsibilities. Will argue with that said partner, but will always be friends with him afterwards. Quite often get emotional about their past, but in the end are happy with their choices. Won’t tolerate fools. Always seem to say the most epic things in crises. Are feminine despite their career-driven independent lives. Have similar health issues. Are half of my OTP.

Charles Carson = Bill Adama

They both: Are in charge of the a large group of men and women. Are in love with their work partner. Have a drinks cart. Have several adopted children. Love said children despite their many faults. Consider their work mates their family. Are traditional and interested in antiques. Like to sing (especially in episodes where their love for said partner becomes canon). Are gentleman. Have large hands. Have impressive heads of hair. Do not like modern inventions. Are the other half of my OTP.

Mary Crawley = Kara Thrace

They both: Are in love with someone who could be considered a sibling. Have a surrogate father who loves them through thick and thin. Had their fiances die in tragic accidents. Have made some other questionable choices when it comes to lovers. Are Mary-Sues of their shows. Can’t have children (okay, that’s just my prediction with Mary, but we’ll see, shall we?). Are supposed to be the main character of the show but make me yawn.

Matty Crawley = Lee Adama

They both: Are in love with someone who could be considered a sibling. Have mummy issues. Are lawyers when it suits them. Are self-righteous prigs. Must do the right thing, even if it’s not the smart thing. Are way too pretty. Are way too boring. Are golden-haired prodigal sons. Nearly die several times but keep coming back to annoy me. Like to get all angsty which makes me yawn again. Went through a period where they couldn’t get it up (okay, that’s probably just my fanon for Lee...)

Mrs Patmore = Doc Cottle

They both: Have the snappiest one-liners that make me laugh. Are in charge of their respective areas. Are very capable in their respective fields. Are supportive of their boss’s health issues. Aren’t afraid to tell their bosses how it really is. Have no love interests in the show. Are the cutest old people on Earth/in space.

William = Billy

They both: Are incredibly tall. Are in love with girls who don’t love them, but string them along by kissing them anyway. Have a really sweet relationship with their work mummies. Die saving someone else’s life in the process. Are a lot more intelligent and capable than people realise.

Alfred = Tory

They both: Can’t replace William/Billy in my heart. Seem innocent but I don’t trust them as far as I can kick them. Will both break Cally/Daisy’s heart.

Yes, as Bugs keeps saying: Cally = Daisy

They both: Are these annoying young perky girls. Married men who are like brothers to them. Say dumb things. Are naive. Are whiny. Are at their most awesome when playing off Mrs P/Cottle.

Bates = Saul

They both: Are drunks. Like blondes. Spend a lot of time in a cell. Are loyal to their superiors no matter what. Have hair issues. Have disabilities that only make them more awesome. Scare the crap out of me when naked.

So, I guess that makes Anna = Ellen
(don’t faint...there is a case for it)

They both: Aren’t ladies (Anna said that, not me). Fret while their hubbies spend time in prison. Don’t care about their hubby’s disabilities. Would sacrifice everything, lay down their lives, for their hubbies. Are popular and yet I usually yawn when they are on screen. Have whiny voices that annoy me. Are thought of as pretty, but I’m meh about their looks.

O’Brien = Zarek

The both: Plot against everyone with Gaeta/Thomas. Have connections in the black market. Are second in charge to the most awesome woman in the show. Have questionable hair.

Thomas = Gaeta

They both: Are gay. Are sidekicks for more popular characters. Pretend to be loyal/good workers whilst all along plotting against everyone. Have war wounds that no one cares about. Are sarcastic. Openly hate Saul/Bates. Have a strong following of fangirls who just like a pretty face and don’t care about their personalities or sexual orientation at all.

Lavinia = Dee

They both: Die in tragic circumstances. Caught their men on the rebound. Are too sweet for their chosen loves. Are in love with men who like them, but do not love them.

Branson = Helo

They both: Are very pretty to look at but boring. Have these lofty principles that no one really cares about. Have married women from another world. Confuse me as to their position/occupation in the show.

Sybil = Sharon

They both: Are pregnant to men from another world. Have potential but choose to love the most boring men on Earth/in space which makes them so much more boring than they have to be.

Edith = Seelix

They both: Have difficulty finding a job to suit them, but find they can drive/fly pretty well. Play second fiddle to the other younger characters. Are disliked by many fans, yet I think they’re pretty great most of the time. Got really mad when the cute main guy won’t look at them. Will turn against the heroes of the piece if need be.

Molesley = Hotdog

They both: Are used shamelessly by the writers, usually for comic relief. Are liked by me, even though I’m unsure if they deserve this. Have women troubles. Seem scared shitless of anyone in authority.

Isobel = Elosha

They both: Are usually epic, but are used by the writers to create dramatic tension in various plotlines. Are constantly on crusades. Are favourite characters of mine, even when they are being annoying. Would be cute to be paired with a doctor.

Robert = Chief

They both: Are good men, but I find them pretty boring. Are in love with their first loves, but stray with women who work with them. Quote platitudes now and then. Are in charge of a certain area but when it comes down to it, are ruled by Bill/Carson. Have no male children.

Doctor Clarkson = Simon

They both: Misdiagnose quite often. Have questionable bedside manners. Have patients with unsuccessful pregnancies. Could be awesome if they just got the right storyline.

Cora = Sam

They both: Need acting lessons. Are pretty but a little dull. Are loyal to their loved ones. Have huge fanbases. Can move bodies in a crisis. Are nice enough and harmless.

Gwen = Emily

They both: Should have had larger roles. Left their shows too soon. Crossed over class lines easily. Were great as bff’s.

Jane = Kat

They both: Need acting lessons. Are hated by many fangirls. Weren’t missed by many after leaving the show. Have secrets that aren’t particularly interesting to most. Are quite useful for fanfic purposes.

Vera = Carolanne

They both: Sound like howler monkeys. Weren’t missed when they died. Stand between a popular ship. Make you wonder why anyone would marry them in the first place. Are drunks. Cling onto their husbands for longer than necessary.

Rosamund = D’Anna

They both: Are quite pretty. Are underused. Disappear with no explanation. Have no maternal instincts.

Richard = Sesha

They both: Are played by well known actors. Print newspapers, running stories for their own benefit. Have minions that jump to their bidding. Kill other characters (well, Richard probably has...) Could have been epic, but aren’t.

And the one that you will probably have a heartattack over, but it makes sense:

Violet = Cavil

They both: Are around the same age. Are played by quite famous actors. Have the best one-liners in the show (‘Take me to your leader.’ vs ‘What is a weekend.)

YES!!! I have no Baltar yet...

avoiding writing, thank you in advance, avoiding work, what else to tag?, cookies are biccies, biccies are yummy, talking crap

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