Okay, I know we've already flailed a bit on my last post, but I thought I'd do another 'recap' and and some other thoughts about the rest of the eppy. Because, other than the epic parts, there were some other fun moments and some heartbreaking ones.
warnings: spoilers, bitchiness and much squeeing )
Comments 33
I love the Mrs P and Mrs H friendship. I still say it's come about because they are friends in rl. They have such a natural way about them. And who would not want your bestie to be happy with a 'nice man' like Carson!
Oh yeah, dropping storylines... Not only Patrick, there's Richard, Evelyn, so many others... And then, just to be annoying, he drags some out for years (Pamuk... groan...)
I didn't get that she was sobbing, more that she was laughing and trying to hold it back in. But I was squeeing so much, I feel like I need to study it again!
It's so cute to watch everyone flailing and only have 1/2 a clue what it's about:)
You're such a spoiler whore!
I've been called worse;-) smut whore lol
At this point I have watched the last 5 seconds of the episode over and over to determine if she's lying. I don't know. I think I may have steeled my heart though just in case she is.
At the very very very least though - we have that end scene of him and his happy lovey dove state; and that's more than we have ever had.
I don't think they played it like she was lying. If she is, she's also lying to Mrs P. I think I'm just being overly cautious. I don't want to be shattered if that is the case.
come on!!! show me your RCT! rainbow and puppies and happy ever after for my OTP =P
Thinking happy thoughts.
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