...it's been absolutely nuts. I flew out to San Francisco Sunday evening (awesome timing, I know), had an interview Monday afternoon, and got to meet
tongodeon in person for sushi (mmmmmmmmmmmmsushi) Monday evening. Then I flew back today, had an interview somewhere else, ran some errands for
misphit, fixed the toilet, and I'm finally getting a chance to read email and catch up.
Tomorrow morning I fly to Seattle to meet
jeramey and
brennx0r in person, hopefully hang out a bit with
d33ann, and then go to PAX. I get back into Austin in time to attend the
20th Annual 101-Club Party, and then I have to make a decision on a job offer next Tuesday. Lately
misphit and I haven't had much time to talk, so we're scheduling some time each night for that.
I arranged most of the stuff that I'm taking with me tomorrow, but I still need to pack it, and get to sleep. So tired... and so little time to think.