Greeting, my dears! Well, even though I'm stewing in my own juices, I had the need to snark! And lemme tell you, the whole time I was working on this snark, Spoopy was playing with her...presents in her litter box. I think that was her way of commenting on the quality of this book. I kept yelling at her, 'Stop playing with poops!' which she'd reply
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That would be awesome!
She's not. Bullying your friends doesn't make you a good leader, it makes you a bully. K Ron has shown zero leadership qualities. All she's shown is that she likes to boss people around and make herself feel big.
This, yes! Stop giving her credit for things that she isn't.
That makes her think their must be something really wrong with him and calls her mom
Right. It can't be that the hamster has had enough being touched by tons of kids and they won't leave him alone.
'Anyone but Kristy of president. The king is dead. Long live the king.'
LOL! Awesome! I'd paid to see Kristy being told she's fired from being President. It would be awesome.
All that talk about 'responsibility' to the Mancusis pets (yeah, that's a laugh) and she doesn't even stay around for the examination?!
I so wished she got yelled at by the Mancusis for doing such a bad job.
That's why I'd make sure to attend.
Me too. That would be awesome!
They all blabber about how everyone is best suited for the office they hold which is a damn dirty lie.
She's too Goddamn mean and volatile.
Yes, she is. She's a tyrant not a president. How do they keep forgetting how
badly she treats them? How this whole thing started because she tried to tape
a checklist over Claudia's pictures?
Because when Mary Anne brought Tigger into her household, she was so loving
towards him! I fucking hate Dawn
Oh, yeah. She was so "great" about Tigger.
So, next I'm thinking of doing 'Logan Likes Mary Anne!' for the simple fact
that I like her birthday outfit
Me too! That's my favorite part.
My brother had three hamsters one right after another and they were all named Toby. When Stacey described out how cute Toby was in BoyCrazy Stacey all I could think was he sounded like my brother's hamsters. I'd probably pick Yoda, Einstein, and Newton.
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