Oh. My. GOD! I got my laptop fixed! It's so good to be back! I missed snarking so much! It's been over a year since I stupidly stepped on my laptop and so much has happened! The biggest news is that I got another member of the family! See a mama kitty abandoned her baby in our yard and I, being the bleeding heart for kitties I am, raised her from newborn bottle baby to run around demon kitten. Her name's Spoopy the Wee Gremlin because well...she was an ugly kitten. She's beautiful now (I think she has Maine coon blood) but the name stuck. And let me tell you, it really lifted my spirits after Jynxie passed. I think it was meant to be. Anyways, I'm back and thrilled to pieces even though this book is Hella boring. Well, Let's go!
Part 1! -Song of the Day!- Chapter 6!
Ugh...a sitting chapter. My first chapter in over a year and it's a sitting chapter! Anyways! Mary Anne is sitting for Jamie while Mrs Newton takes Lucy to the doctor. All Jamie wants to do is practice riding his bike but he sucks at it. And because he does, Mary Anne suggests they work on campaign slogans for K Ron. Ah, child labor! Where would the BSC be without it? Since that was short and boring, here's the Spoop monster.
Chapter 7!
At SMS, the election is in full swing and Stacey comes up with the idea to plaster the halls with fliers of their slogan, K+, because it's 'the way' people do advertise in New York. And you know, any other city across the entire known universe. Hur hur hur! And of course Dawn had the idea to use recycled paper and write 'Use recycled paper or suffer the wraith of the queen of the harpies' on the posters. Mary Anne has the idea to move around the posters and flip them over to show their reverse designs so people will stay interested. And because K Ron was doing this, she was almost late to a candidate meeting.
At the meeting, K Ron doesn't even pay attention to Mr Kingbridge until Mal elbows her in the ribs. Mr K tells them that the following week they'll have a day to set up a booth and campaign. K Ron thinks about shaking hands but that she won't kiss babies. Uh, K Ron? Exactly how many babies do you expect to be at a middle school campaign? You're Stacey's friend so you should know she's always careful to take her pill. Also Immortan K wouldn't be into kissing babies? Filth and lies! Mr K says they'll have to partake in a debate and two speeches and Mal shits herself right there. When they leave the meeting, K Ron actually acts like a decent friend and comforts Mal by saying she's smart and a quick thinker.
They next day, or something another meeting is announced and it's at the same time K Ron has to meet with her English teacher. K Ron blames this on the disorganization of SMS and thinks things will be better when she's president. She meets with her teacher which makes her late for her candidate meeting which makes Grace laugh at her. After the meeting, K Ron runs to the library because she has a science assignment due the next day. Were you allowed at your school after classes were over? I sure wasn't. K Ron is almost late to a sitting job at the Kormans because...reasons? Anyways, I'm skipping this because I hate the Kormans and Skyler is fucking crying again of course. K Ron wanted to get some homework done but of cours she can't because besides Charlotte, what kid would allow that?
Chapter 8!
Man, does this book drag! I feel like I've been reading it forever. It's campaign day and Claudia and Mary Anne come over to help K Ron get dressed. Claudia picks 'an enormous sweater of a sort of creamy brown, with little black and green stripes running across it' which K Ron complains makes her look 'preppie'. That sure is a wrong way to spell that. K Ron wears it anyway because Claudia knows best when it comes to fa-fash- ah hahahahaha! Sorry! I can't say that and keep a straight face. Charlie comes to pick them up and they head to SMS. They go into the cafeteria and find a place to set up their booth. Alan has dressed in balloons and every time someone takes a pin, they get to pop a balloon. I'm sure the teachers love that.
They check out Mal's booth and say they wish they could vote for her. Jessi says they can when she runs for student council president because Ann loves making Jessi look like an idiot. Newsflash, genius, when Mal is 13 the rest of the BSC will be in high school and even less likely to vote for her. I know Ann hates Mal but I think she might just hate 11 year olds. They head back to K Ron's booth and Alan comes and trolls her and steals her audience. Claudia comes by and is all pissed about Grace who has a video camera and Cokie is recording her. They also take pictures with Grace and who the fuck would want that? Why would a random student want a picture with some random 'mean girl'? K Ron thinks that when she's president, she'll put a limit on how much a candidate can spend on their campaign. Um, is this really expensive. I doubt she went out and bought a camera, she probably owned them already. The film for the camera might cost something seeing as Ann can't decide whether SMS has 300 students or 3000.
K Ron goes back to her booth and why, does she keep leaving it? I wouldn't vote for someone who can't even be depended on campaign correctly. Claudia talks a bit about some more ideas she has for the campaign and is it me? Doesn't it seem like Claudia is always the one with a bunch of ideas and K Ron takes all the credit? There's been other times this happens. It really shows how much Ann coddles Kristy because she wished she was her. Grace comes over with her camera to troll K Ron too and they snap at each other a bit. K Ron tells Grace 'why don’t you just go somewhere and get some more practice at being a loser?' and Mary Anne legit gasps. Talk about losers. K Ron is shocked that she could say such a thing like she's never said shitty things before. Grace and Cokie leave and K Ron kicks herself some. In science class, K Ron thinks that she can relax for the rest of the day then remembers she has a big test coming up, homework and Krusher practice. She decides to cancel Krusher practice which Jamie is upset about for some reason. I thought he only cared about his bike? Well, someone had to make K Ron feel bad because she has Dawn's martyr cross in this book.
Chapter 9!
Dawn is sitting for the Newtons so, oh joy for me. Jamie tries to get her to help him practice riding but she says they should make some lemonade first. Food in a Dawn chapter? Delightful! Of course Dawn has to get up her butt about using white sugar instead of brown sugar or earwig honey. Newsflash, genius, brown sugar is still sugar it just has molasses in it. And honey does exactly fuckall to sweeten unless you use a ton of it which surprise! Is still sugar. It's been awhile since I said this but God, Dawn is the worst! I don't just mean that she's a terrible person, but that she gets her patent holier than thou attitude when she really doesn't know what she's talking about. Deep fried chimichangas? There's no meat so it's health food! Mushrooms on pizza? Good nutrition! Sugar instead of sugar? A doctor's dream! Sweet Jesus, I hate Dawn! Anyways, I don't care about this chapter.
Chapter 10!
At school whenever, K Ron failed her science test. She's in shock. And can I take a detour and point out how fucked up American school grading is? She got a 60. More than half right. I think that's worth at least a C. But that may just be road 'bad student' baby talking. Her science teacher talks to her after class and says she needs to retake the test. Kristy is actually excited about that since it'll give her another chance. K Ron thinks she'll have time to study but when she gets home, she sees David M is ready for Krusher practice. K Ron decides to have practice and I skip most of the chapter till she takes a ball to the shin and I roll around my bed laughing. I should feel bad for her but I read Danielle Denenberg's snark of 'Kristy's Worst Idea' and the laughter just bubbles up. After practice, Claudia calls her up and asks if she's written her speech for tomorrow yet. K Ron realises she hasn't and gets to work on that thinking she'll study for her retest in the morning.