So I sat down recently and had one of those out-of-the-blue remembrances: “Oh, crap! I promised I would snark Kristy’s Big News like a year ago!” So I sat down and saw that part of the doc was still in my computer and I had just never finished. So here we go! I have always wanted to snark Kristy’s father, one of my most hated characters. And better
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And just because I mentioned UK covers, I didn’t know that MA almost got murdered by an overzealous hairdresser.
Fail, cover designer. I'm pretty sure that book specifically said MA DIDN'T go to Gloriana's.
And I may go to hell for this, but thinking of Gloriana of course made me think of Karen, so when I saw:
I actually didn't remember for a moment that you were talking about the cover.
Apparently, she saw him randomly at a ball game in California. I guess I missed that one
It was near the end of their road trip BSC in the USA. I could be a Janine-level genius if my brain wasn't full of these details.
Elizabeth says it's up to the kids to decide, but we know he already bought the tickets before asking her in the first place. "They're already on the way!"
I think they'd be well within their rights to emulate Norman Hill with the insulting drawings and rip those tickets right the fuck up.
and even more so by the shade of purple Richard’s face would ( ... )
We all could. We all could. I'm like 'I can't do a French knot but I can tell you all about the BSC!'
And as usual, I love your comments. Thanks for filling me in on the BSC stuff I definitely didn't know. I think I've only read two super specials so I have a lot of gaps in my knowledge of the canon! D:
Hope everything goes well with the N2 and that you find something quickly when you finish JET! Have you done any voluntary translation work?
I haven't done any translation work (I'm such a noob!), but I'm looking into possibly getting an MA in translation. There's a school in California that offers pretty nice scholarships for JETs. I have a long way to go...
Hope it all goes well for you!
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