Okay FINALLY guys I'm BACK. I'm gonna finish this snark now. Sorry about the long absence. I've been really busy over this summer. I'm going to finish this snark and also my Claudia and the First Thanksgiving snark, and then snark some new BSCs I got over the summer. (:
Other parts of the snark:
Chapters 1 through 6 Chapters 7 through 14Just as a
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We don't know the family dynamics of the other households. There could be deceased parents, kids living with grandparents, etc.. Divorce is never confirmed for anyone else, but even for the 80's it's asking a lot to have readers believe that only one kid in an entire classroom has biological parents who aren't married. With Karen's snotty attitude, it's not like we're really going to get to see the inside of other homes since she has so few friends.
Ms C. doesn't make excuses for the kids who are bullied or the sick kids, the very kids who should elicit more sympathy than a very rich little girl who gets just about everything her heart desires.
This is just a Mary Sue fantasy, and AMM actually believes Karen is precocious and cute.
And while Karen may boast and think, there is a deeper subconscious, what we say is not always what we think. IN the earlier books Karen does get snarky and angry a few times with her parents in regards to their divorce, so its obvious she doesn't think it's the best at all times....
You can be excited about things but still find it hard, it's bittersweet. So yes she is excited about sisters, but then when things are hard it's like "ugh I wish they weren't divorced". I was excited to move to the coast from the central part, and as excited as I was and am to live here, I miss living centrally at holidays when my family is there I am not.
I know realistically that AMM thinks Karen is cute
Karen's sense of specialness comes from being a "two-two." With as much as she identifies and brags about having twice as much, I think she'd probably keep things this way. Sure, she doesn't like the bickering that happens, but would she give up the new family and the twice-as-much to get rid of it? I really don't think so. To her, married parents means parents who get along and don't put the kids in the middle. I think, if Watson and Lisa cooperated more, that she'd be perfectly happy. Watson not letting her see Lisa for Mother's Day without a fight, etc., is where her unhappiness with the divorce stems from. But Watson was probably a crappy dad before that too.
I think AMM has SMeyer-syndrome. Her little pet has to always have things work out perfectly by the end of the book with as little actual conflict as necessary so that minor conflict becomes major because the rest of life is so peachy. Karen's conflicts are almost always absolutely no big deal (even as a kid, I thought she was usually making something out of nothing, and only read the books because I had access to them and wanted to read every book I could get once before rereading any), and she suffers no consequences. It's like Bella in New Moon when the conflict of thinking the Volturi were after Renesmee because they thought she was an immortal child could have been cleared up with a phone call or letter letting them know Bella was impregnated as a human and her beating heart is proof she's not immortal, and deus ex machina with getting to keep her dad and all else after becoming a vampire. Conflict out of nothing and no consequences. Describes the work of both writers.
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