Chapter 6
Dawn’s life is going swimmingly right now. She has great friends and a great family. She says that we shouldn’t consider her and her best friends to be one of those obnoxious cliques. I don’t consider Dawn and her California friends to be an obnoxious clique. I sure as hell consider the BSC to be an obnoxious clique. Just because a person
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Everyone’s busy crying and Jeff wants to know why
Why couldn't Jeff have been around during those ridiculous scenes where the BSC members cry and rend their garments about being separated for ONE GODDAMN WEEK?
Why don’t you just use your super-special water powers to douse any fires?
Oh man, now I'm totally picturing Dawn as a water Pokemon. I choose you, Self-Righteofish!
Hey, so if you're Dakota, where does lisaerin come from?
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