Abby and the Best Kid Ever, Chapters 11-15

Oct 29, 2012 18:39

I MADE IT I MADE IT I MADE IT! I'm pretty positive I'm mere moments away from losing power, so I'ma post the rest before that happens. Enjoy!

Chapter 11
It’s the last day of the shoot. They’re in the middle of shooting a scene when Lou suddenly pops up out of a wagon and surprises everybody. The kids are all hysterical and Abby politely asks her not to do it again. Later, Lou draws mustaches on all of the photocopies of old photos that were part of another scene. Abby asks her to cut it out and Lou snarks that she told her to lighten up. More hijinks ensue and Abby almost drops her camera and breaks it. Stacey pulls Lou out of the room, but not before Lou smirks at Abby and tells her once again to lighten up. Abby realizes she needs to have a talk with her.

You get annoyed when she’s constantly underfoot, you get annoyed when she starts acting her age. You can’t have it both ways. Not everybody can be a Perkins, a Marshall, a Papadakis or any other well-adjusted kid in Stoneybrook. If that conversation with Jay didn’t resonate with you at all, she’s obviously had difficulties in her life. Try to understand that instead of getting annoyed about everything she does. GOD.

Chapter 12
Stacey’s at the Addison’s house, and this time she brought Mary Anne and Jessi in an Operation We Don’t Hate Sean attempt. The three of them tell Sean that he gets to be king for an hour and can do anything he wants, within reason. Well that sounds all well and good for Sean, but it doesn’t like much fun for Corrie. Sean wants to go sledding at SMS and wants everyone to pull him back to the top and push him back down. I’d be all, “Fuck that, I’m not pulling you up the hill.” But that’s why I’m not a babysitter.

Sean’s having a blast and they even extend his kingship to an hour and a half. When they got back to the house, Stacey finally got her breath back and, without thinking, said, “That was hard work. I’m glad it’s over.” Oh SNAP. Sean accuses her of not even wanting to play King of the Hour and that they’re glad he’s moving. Nice job, Stacey. Sean’s kind of being an annoying little shit, though. You’re at an age where people don’t pretend to like you if they really don’t like you. Yes, that changes when you reach the cattiness of middle school and high school, but right now, all you know is that nobody pretends to like you. The BSC has done everything to show they like you and try to do what you want to do, and you’re being a brat. GOD.

Chapter 13
Abby goes to the McNally’s house and Lou is on her Best Kid behavior. Lou apologizes for her behavior the other day and asks Abby not to tell anyone, which Abby promises she won’t. The kids do their homework first and Lou hilariously draws the food pyramid along with an addendum called “More Food Groups” with chocolate chip cookies. I wholeheartedly agree and now crave some. Damn. Then they go to set the table for dinner and Lou jumps out and scares the shit out of Abby and Jay. She apologizes but doesn’t sound sorry at all. Then later she drops a china plate and starts sobbing about how her aunt and uncle will give her away because she’s bad.

This is where I get confused. I do feel awful for Lou, but then why WAS she “acting out” at Abby those couple of times? I say “acting out” in quotes because she was just kidding around and she didn’t do anything to hurt anybody, but if she’s so afraid of being sent away, then why would Abby telling her to lighten up cause her to start playing pranks knowing that nothing bad would happen? I’m honestly just confuzzed now.

The McNallys come home and ask what’s going on and Jay tells them before Abby can open her mouth. Their aunt hugs them and tells them they’d never ever give them away and that they love them too much. Abby goes home and hugs her mom. Problem solved in less than 125 pages!

Chapter 14
Project day at the Stoneybrook Community Center! Abby sets up her booth with a television and a poster with show times on it. People who came to the booth got a ticket to the Underground Railroad, which is cute. Of course, all of the BSC and the kids who were in the movie and their families came to see it. They get a standing ovation at the end and all of the BSC and the kids take a bow. Even though the BSC, with the exception of Abby and I GUESS Claudia, had nothing to do with the actual production at all.

Abby realizes that more important than doing a great project, she had great friends. ::barf:: And she compares the pressure she had put on herself over this project to the pressure Lou had put on herself. NO, ABBY. YOU never had anxiety over whether or not your mother would disown you. YOU were never concerned over whether or not you got dirty or spilled water or interrupted a scene that was being filmed. The pressure you put on yourself was NOTHING like the pressure that Lou felt to be perfect. GOD.

Chapter 15
Going away party for the Addisons at Kristy’s house! Abby describes the BSC as expert party givers because they had adult AND kid party food, great decorations, games and a cleanup committee. You’re gonna pat yourselves on the back because you can provide clam dip and chocolate chip cookies at the same time? You guys really need to get out more.

The Nichollses come over too and Mr. Nicholls yells at Nate for bumping into somebody’s elbow after he was told by his father to get some refreshments. You’re gonna bark an order at your kid to go eat a cookie? That’s different. Abby notices that he watches his kids like a hawk and one stern look caused his kids to stop doing whatever they were doing. I hate reading this. I haven’t read #117 since I was younger because it was so scary. I don’t even like thinking about it now. Moving on…

Mary Anne and Abby go over to talk to Sean and he finally says that he doesn’t want to move and he’s going to miss everybody… including the BSC. See guys, he doesn’t want to move. That was so hard to figure out? To quote Logan in “Mary Anne and the Brunettes,” “You sure are lousy detectives!” Then Sean is surprised when Mary Anne says that they’ll miss him too. Okay Sean, like I said before, kids don’t pretend to like other kids. This shouldn’t be a surprise. Then Mary Anne and Sean are both surprised when Abby says she didn’t want to move to Stoneybrook at first but now she’s so glad she did. WTF, why is THIS surprising? Abby is one of the more well-adjusted of you guys. Sean is feeling better and yayyyyy, everything is solved in 125 pages!

I hope this snark didn't suck too badly, but it was a pretty heavy book.

abby, #116 abby and the best kid ever

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