Sep 08, 2006 08:43

Why is it that short weeks always seem longer?

sdwolfpup and I were discussing fannish dreams this morning, since, in the past week, I have dreamed about a) Ben Browder and Claudia Black and b) the Arrested Development cast and c) Alexis Bledel (no idea; possibly Padalecki-related). This is weird for me, because I very rarely have fannish dreams, but I ( Read more... )

random, bsg, supernatural, arrested development, hornblower

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dualbunny September 8 2006, 19:39:57 UTC
I have fannish stuff pop up pretty commonly, and I'm not even sure what my weirdest fannish one is. ;D But recently VM seems to be my fandom of choice. Not sure why, I haven't been ODing on it or anything.

A week or so ago, I dreamt I was going to make spaghetti for eating while the VM season premiere came on. I was making it for a group and we were all at Gerry's parent's house. I spent forever in their kitchen desperately searching every cupboard for pasta sauce so that I wouldn't have to go buy some since it was so close to the show time. And Logan was in there with me. Being ABSOLUTELY NO HELP. And not even in a sexy way. Just in a not helping me at all because he didn't care way. And then by the time I decided to give up and go buy some, the episode was half over.


And just yesterday morning I was dreaming that I was in my senior year of highschool, but I'd had to relocate to a school across town. And then SDW showed up with some guy from Neptune High for some sort of seminar, and I told them how much I wished I hadn't had to switch schools cause I missed them all. Even the jackasses like Dick.

Then when I went to talk to the office about going back to my old school, I realized I had already graduated high school and gone to college, and what the hell was going on! (And that's totally bypassing the fact that when I woke up that morning somehow parts of my hair had been dyed blue while I was sleeping.) Then when I realized I'd already done all this stuff, I turned into a total partying slacker instead of a perfect student and eventually ended up wandering into the Echoll's house where I freaked out and barely escaped from his crazy dad. Who of course didn't look anything like Aaron, cause he was 2 years younger or something. Gah. Stupid brain.

I haven't had time to look at my SPN DVDs yet--all the squee is making me jealous, hee. :D


brynnmck September 11 2006, 20:32:54 UTC
HA! You mentioned something about the Logan-spaghetti sauce dream on devilpiglet's LJ, I believe, and I forgot to ask for details, so I'm glad to have thim here. :) That is excellent. As was your partying-slacking dream. HEE. Oh, Logan. So not helpful.

There is much to squee over on the SPN DVDs. Also, I don't know if you got a copy of the Paley Festival panel, but if you didn't, keepaofthecheez has it available over on her LJ, and I would highly, HIGHLY recommend it. Actually some very interesting (and surprisingly funny) stuff from Kripke and Singer and Kim Manners and John Shiban, but the boys. THE BOYS. They are all punchy from lack of sleep, and hilarious and sweet and adorable and OMG I LOVE THEM SO. Also, Jensen (unintentionally, I think) breaks out the Texas drawl at one point, and it is so hot I believe it might actually have impregnated me. SO AWESOME.


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