Sep 08, 2006 08:43

Why is it that short weeks always seem longer?

sdwolfpup and I were discussing fannish dreams this morning, since, in the past week, I have dreamed about a) Ben Browder and Claudia Black and b) the Arrested Development cast and c) Alexis Bledel (no idea; possibly Padalecki-related). This is weird for me, because I very rarely have fannish dreams, but I know I'm not the only one who has them. So, for my entertainment and yours on this can't-be-over-too-soon Friday, tell me about the weirdest fannish dream you've ever had. Failing that, you can just tell me about your weirdest dream, period, but fannish dreams are more fun. :)

Several months ago, I was going through a Hornblower phase and I dreamed that I was on a ship with Archie and Horatio, and the ship was under attack, and I was with Horatio, looking for Archie, and we were all OT3. And I was wearing this gorgeous purple dress. So anyway, Horatio and I are kind of getting cozy on this bench (as you do when you're under attack), and then all of a sudden Archie stumbles into the room, and Horatio goes straight (well, so to speak) for him. And this made total sense to me in the dream, like, well, of course Archie's more important to him. HEE. Even when my subconscious is trying to shoehorn me in between them, Archie+Horatio4EVA, apparently.

Generally, though, there is a sad lack of making out with the people/characters in my fannish dreams. Come on, dreams! Let's get our money's worth, here!

Aaaanyway. Watching the new BSG Webisodes yesterday, and when the Music of Prophecy and Vague Religious Stuff kicked in in Webisode 2, I got such a thrill. Oh, my beloved show, how I have missed you! Please don't suck this season, OK?

Mr. McK and I spent most of last weekend watching seasons 2 and 3 of Arrested Development. SO MUCH LOVE. Ever since, everything has been reminding me of it, and I am pretty much constantly giggling like a little girl. That show is like a freaking master class in how to construct jokes, especially long-running ones. Does anyone know if anything is happening with Showtime picking it up?

Also thoroughly enjoying what I've had time for on my new SPN DVDs. Random favorite moment, from the commentary on Phantom Traveler: Jensen talking about when he first read the stuff about Dean's fear of flying, and thinking it was going to be a field day, and then Jared: "Yeah, I remember reading that and thinking, 'Dean… you pussy.'" And then Jensen just totally cracking up. HEE. Oh, boys. You are so cute. Also Jared being all uncomfortable talking about how much he luuuuurves Jensen with Jensen sitting right there. AWWWW. Oh, the fic that will be written from that.

random, bsg, supernatural, arrested development, hornblower

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