I'm not crying, I'm just allergic to jerks

Feb 15, 2012 11:29

Mainly I am here to say THANK YOU for the lovely glass hearts, anonymice! ♥ (And thank you for the card,
sage! ♥ ♥ ♥) I really wanted to celebrate Galentine's Day this year because it is an AMAZING IDEA and I adore it, but I am in a weird funk lately where it feels incredibly difficult to do anything or talk to anyone, so… fail. But I am beaming great beams of love to all of you fabulous, smart, talented, delightful, funny women out there in my internet-land. <33333

In other recent news, I am never drinking again, because my friend R had an 80's-themed party this past Saturday, and I went into it having not eaten much toward the end of last week because I got a cold and didn't feel like eating, and then I didn't eat anything on Saturday besides a bowl of microwaveable wonton soup, so… you can imagine how well that went when I drank a really very reasonable amount of alcohol at the party. I have not had that kind of night since college, the kind of night where you are very glad that your bathroom floor is carpeted, because it's more comfortable. *facepalm* (I did make it home before that became necessary, at least. And the party was awesome; Mr. McK did the punk thing because he had a lot of the clothes for it, and on the way there I was like, "My husband is wearing eyeliner and he can't drive because his hair is too tall to fit in the car. This is going to be a GREAT NIGHT." And so it was. And no, I did not drive home.)

Also, the morning after the party, I had to get up at 8 because we were meeting some friends at the shooting range, which was what Mr. McK wanted to do to celebrate his birthday. Do you know what is not particularly soothing when you're hung over? GUNFIRE. Oh man. It was all kind of spectacularly failtacular, and we've been laughing about it ever since. So, yeah. Still recovering from all that, a bit? And my cold will not entirely go away? I cannot imagine why!

In less failtacular news, Mr. McK and I have spent the past couple of weeks watching Parks and Rec as often as we get a chance, and OH MY GOD YOU GUYS THAT SHOW IS FUCKING AWESOME. (I know, I am late to the party, AS ALWAYS. But OH MY GOD.) Just… so well-written and well-constructed and quotable as hell, and such a talented ensemble, and such weird and interesting characters who get to bounce off each other in weird and interesting ways that are allowed to build organically, and I love them ALL and I adore how fundamentally sweet and OPTIMISTIC the show is and the way it makes me cry happy tears all the time, and it's mostly really awesome about women (this clip is one of the best send-ups of clichés about women I've ever seen), and it passes the Bechdel test way more often than not, and just. I LOVE IT. (Also I am developing a GIGANTIC crush on Amy Poehler; she's just so freaking FUNNY and SMART and also so very clearly NOT LESLIE in her mannerisms that watching her in even a couple of interviews is simultaneously making me fall in love with her as herself and making me really REALLY appreciate just what a great actress she is. I foresee a YouTube vortex in my future, but if anyone has any great Amy Poehler clips to rec-interviews, SNL clips, whatever-I'd LOVE to have them.)

Also I am shipping Leslie/Ben HARD. I also ship Andy/April hard, and Leslie/Ann, but for some reason I want Leslie and Ben to have ALL the dirty dorky sex and my attempts to find fic have thus far been mostly unsuccessful, so if anyone has recs, I would love to have those, too! (I will take PG-13 or even ensemble-based gen if it's well-written, but well-written, character-driven porn would be AWESOME. I've done some poking around an old NBC kink meme, and I've checked out AO3, but thus far I'm not coming up with much.) Also anyone who is similarly inclined has seen this deleted scene from "Bowling For Votes", right? DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I LOVE IT WHEN HOT PEOPLE SHOVE OTHER HOT PEOPLE AGAINST WALLS? I LOVE IT A LOT. That said, THIS SCENE NEEDED TO BE APPROXIMATELY 27 MINUTES LONGER AND 100% NAKEDER. KTHX.

So that's pretty much my deal at the moment. I am likely to be pretty scarce around here for a little while at least, because I've got FANGIRLS this weekend and then I am going to San Francisco next weekend and somewhere in there I need to write MANY MANY MANY words on my Bandom Reverse Big Bang story omgomfg so many words I am so screwed, but I will leave you with a couple of Parks and Rec-related links:

Clip from a Paley Festival panel, in which Amy Poehler pwns everything and Adam Scott is hilarious and adorable (for some reason the fact that P&R is kind of an oddly innocent show makes it that much funnier to me that the whole cast is REALLY profane when they're out of character)

And the S3 gag reel, Part 1 and Part 2 (Amy getting the helpless giggles is my new favorite thing in the whole world-how was this woman on Saturday Night Live?!-and also PS I love them all)

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

This post is also at Dreamwidth! http://brynnmck.dreamwidth.org/284613.html Comments at Dreamwidth:

fans are awesome, sharing is caring, amy poehler is the greatest human, omg my life is thrilling, parks and rec

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