Some random linkage for a Tuesday:
This scan of Black Canary/Oracle (technically SFW, but it does involve anatomically unlikely comic ladies, and they are wet, and, um, ENTWINED) that I found while searching for desk decorations for my teammate's birthday a couple of weeks ago. Based on the JLU animated series, I've always kinda shipped Black Canary and Huntress (they had that awesome bantery antagonists-but-not kind of vibe, plus they were voiced by Morena Baccarin and Amy Acker, respectively, so), but now? I have no choice but to add Black Canary/Oracle to my areas of interest. Hot DAMN. As my college BFF J put it: "I guess it's the sheer power of their platonic commitment that makes that so powerful? Christ." Um, YEAH.
Bruce Lee's screen test for the role of Kato. Bruce Lee at the age of 24, being extremely hot and articulate and then demonstrating some kung fu and moving faster than any human should rightly be able to do. This whole thing blew my mind.
Two recipes:
cherry tomato and asparagus salad, which
zabira sent me a few weeks ago and is now THE ONLY THING I WANT TO EAT ALL SUMMER, and
turkey veggie meatballs, which are, seriously, MAGICAL. They're so delicious-even Mr. McK, who hates zucchini, loves them-and they freeze really well, so you can make a big batch, freeze them, and then cook them straight from frozen (25-30 minutes at 350 degrees). The only substitutions I make to the recipe are that I use a whole egg instead of just the white, and I use a cheese blend (ideally at least parmesan/romano/asiago) instead of just parmesan. YUM.
Andrew Cook dancing like a dorkasaurus rex. Oh my GOD, Andrew, I don't even know how to deal with you. ♥
dugrival had my two favorite observations on this video, namely: "Andrew Cook went to the Hugh Dillon school of literal hand gestures!" and "I also love that he seems to live in the basement like some kind of ridiculous dancing troll." YES.
Kira Von Sutra's Model Mayhem portfolio (probably NSFW unless you work in a pretty chill environment-there's no actual nudity, but pretty close). Dear LORD, Kira. I was thinking about Neal and Kira last night, as I do, and how it would break my heart if they ever broke up, because they just seem so perfect together. And of course I've had people I actually know who have seemed perfect together and turned out not to be, so who knows, but it just seems like… they've been friends for YEARS, they have to know all each other's shit by now, so it's hard to imagine them not at least being friends. And I guess that theoretically the attraction could fade, but seriously? How would that conversation go? "Hey Neal, I've been meaning to tell you, your beautiful blue eyes and your awesome songwriting and the fact that when you play your guitar it is impossible not to think about how good you must be with your hands… it's just not doing it for me anymore." "Kira, I'm so glad you brought that up, because I too have been lately unmoved by your rubber dresses and your burlesque dancing and the fact that you are a snarky zombie-loving rocker chick in the body of a pinup girl." "Great, let's just be friends then." … THAT IS JUST REALLY HARD TO IMAGINE, IS ALL I'M SAYING. (And that's not even getting into all the DORKY ways in which they're hot, like Neal's Star Trek fanboying or Kira alone on her apartment floor reading Harry Potter and weeping. ♥ ♥ ♥)
David Cook spelling "adieu" correctly and then pwning some TMZ dude (with bonus Monty). I even conditionally approve of the goatee situation, though I like the full beard better, but the evil!Dave thing is kinda working for him. Even though of course the only evil thing about David Cook is how he persists in not being my boyfriend. (Surely he must be getting some from somebody, though, right? I just… he doesn't appear to be dating anyone, and it seems like if he was whoring himself around LA-which, let's be clear, I would ENTIRELY support-we'd hear about it somehow. But I hope it's just that the people he's choosing to sleep with are being discreet, because seriously, if no one is hitting that, what a CRIMINAL waste of hotness that would be. SLEEP WITH DAVID COOK FOR GREAT JUSTICE, PEOPLE.)