We'd need to take up chicken husbandry just to be safe.

Nov 20, 2009 11:11

WOOOOOOOOO FRIDAY. And I am SUPER-EXCITED today because my college BFF J. (along with her boyfriend--now her fiance, actually!) is getting in tonight for our annual Thanksgiving week-long festival of drinking cocktails and watching TV. She's going to be IN MY HOUSE for NINE DAYS and I will come home and she will just BE THERE, and it will be awesome. (We lived together for two years and there's a part of me that's never quite accepted that no longer being the case, so that's the part that goes, YAY, BALANCE OF THE UNIVERSE RESTORED when I come home and she's there. Hi, why can't everyone I love just live next door to me? IS THAT SO MUCH TO ASK?)

So that's awesome. Also I've been teaching these two-hour-long classes at work and I've done five of them in the past two weeks and it's getting a leeeetle bit old, and this afternoon is my last one (for a few weeks, anyway) and I'm very glad about that. Also I am drinking a double latte, which is probably contributing to my fizzy, buzzy state. MAYBE.

Bones last night was adorable, and seriously, they must be planning to hook Booth and Brennan up this season, right? Because WOW. They are GOING THERE right now. PLEASE don't have some bullshit last-minute external bullshit thing happen to keep them apart, PLEASE. Also, I would just like to register my EXTREME DISPLEASURE at the results of this week's SYTYCD. SERIOUSLY, Nigel? Last week you're all about how Mollee and Nathan don't deserve to be there, and this week you're all "we think you're growing and we want to keep you"? SERIOUSLY? I will grant that Mollee's solo was the best dancing I've ever seen from her, but still. THEY HAVE BEEN MEDIOCRE-TO-EMBARRASSINGLY-BAD EVERY WEEK, AND THEY SHOULD HAVE GONE HOME AND THEY DIDN'T AND THAT IS BULLSHIT. GTFO MY SCREEN, MOLLEE AND NATHAN. And while I was okay with Kevin going home--because he's obviously been struggling--I was really, REALLY pissed about Channing. For not-entirely-dance-related reasons--I'll grant you she's had a couple of rough weeks--but she was legitimately FANTASTIC this week and she was my favorite girl and BOOOOO, COME LIVE WITH US, CHANNING, WE WILL APPRECIATE YOU. Also: Legacy and Kathryn are totally Doing It, right? God I hope so. They both annoyed the hell out of me during the auditions, but somehow their two annoyings have added up to an awesome, and I kind of love them now. WTF?

Random links for you:

A delightful interview with Michael Chabon about--among other things--fandom and fanfiction.

Beth Riesgraf continuing to be drop-dead gorgeous and also really, really adorable with Aldis Hodge.

Kris Allen and Jim Cantiello eating sketchy cake and continuing to make a case for why there should be a 24-hour Krim channel, KTHXBAI. (Jim's willingness to be JUST THE RIGHT AMOUNT of ridiculous is ENDLESSLY DELIGHTFUL to me. I want him to interview EVERYONE EVER.)

Photographer extraordinaire 50mm braved the shitty lighting at the Farscape con and has now posted pictures of Ben Browder being more handsome than any one man has a right to be, plus bonus glowy adorable Gigi Edgley. EEEEEEEEE.

And finally, a very important safety PSA: HAVE YOU ESTABLISHED THE APPROPRIATE DURESS PHRASES WITH YOUR FRIENDS? YOU GUYS THIS IS REALLY IMPORTANT. FEEL FREE TO DISCUSS IN THE COMMENTS. (sdwolfpup emailed me earlier to establish one for us: "I am just not that into David Cook anymore." THIS IS ONE OF MANY REASONS WHY I LOVE HER. ♥)

I love you guys, have I mentioned that lately? BECAUSE I DO.

kris allen is a human moodtheme, magic of the dance, leverage, oh my god ben browder, bones, ryan north is inside my brain

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