In which Kris Allen is plagued by men (again, some more)

Sep 22, 2009 19:40

The impossibly delicious and delightful Kris Allen has a new single, people! You can hear it on demand here, at least until Friday when you will undoubtedly want to purchase it from iTunes for your very own, because you want Kris to be happy, right? RIGHT?

Jim Cantiello from MTV News has this HUGE crush on Kris (which he actually publicly admits to in the article accompanying the video embedded below), and it is THE CUTEST THING. And because they have this very natural sort of rapport (by which I mean "Jim is very funny and Kris is a shameless flirt"), when Jim interviews Kris, ADORABLENESS happens. And there are adorable outtakes, filled with adorable double entendres, and Kris making up adorable portmanteaux like "Krim." Like so:

HEEEEE. If you do the Twitter thing, can I recommend following @jambajim? Also his rival for Kris' affections, the hilarious @EWMichaelSlezak (who does the kick awesome Idolatry, if you're familiar with that--I'm not planning to watch Idol this upcoming season, but I may well watch Idolatry). The other day, Slezak and Cantiello joked about who Kris would hug first at his "yay new single" interviews, and then Cantiello was like, "Botched the hug. Slezak wins." and then Slezak shot back, "Wrong! All hugs with @KrisAllen4Real end in victory!" It's pretty amazing. And both of them are a pretty good source of general entertainment snark. So. There's my follow recommendation for the day. (Yes, I'm only following people I don't know on Twitter. Is that weird? But you guys don't need to see me tweeting David Cook about his dog, seriously, I promise, it's better this way.)

ALSO. On one of the last nights of the Idol tour, Kris and Matt did a little busking out at the barricades, and it was hilaridorable. Check it:

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Okay, I'm done. Stay tuned for next time on Brynn Ruthlessly Pimps Musicians She Likes, where I tell you to go buy Andy Skib's EP! Seriously, it's awesome. And only $6! BARGAIN.

More on that later. Now I must make pasta for tomorrow, after which there may be A COCKTAIL. And possibly FIC? O.O I DON'T EVEN KNOW IF I REMEMBER HOW TO DO THAT. (And none of you are going to want to read it. But THAT'S OKAY.)

and the anthemic, to have heroes, kris allen is a human moodtheme, sharing is caring, music

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