There's no sex in the future!

May 18, 2009 13:32

Happiest of belated birthdays to my favorite mad (hot) scientist, meresy! Meres, you know I adore you, and I am so very very glad that you were born, and I am sending you many virtual hugs (I MISS YOU), and you may be very sure that AU!me was actually on the ball and brought you pancakes and balloons in bed, in celebration of your day. *hugs*

I have been awaiting the Fox upfronts with bitten nails, and today they bring me rage, some yay, and some WTF. Yay: Bones! (Though, TWO seasons? Really? On one hand, I feel like I could watch this show forever. OTOH, most shows have a limited shelf life, and I don't want to have to watch it die a slow, agonizing death and then stagger around as a zombie for a while. But we'll see.) Rage: TSCC, obviously, which would have pissed me off a lot less if they hadn't renewed Dollhouse. WTFever, Fox-you fucking suck. And in WTF news, apparently they're going to have another season of SYTYCD in the fall? As in, RIGHT AFTER the summer season? This sounds like a terrible idea! I mean, it could be fine (and YAY MOAR DANCE), but it could also be way too much of a good thing, and if my favorite show ends up being all bloated and overexposed, I will cry and cry and cry, because I seriously look forward to this all year. Fox: finding ways to fuck up your shows even when they DON'T cancel them. Impressive!

I spent most of yesterday marathoning all three Terminator movies with sdwolfpup and AHH, in preparation for Terminator: Salvation this week. (SDW had never seen T1 or T3, and in the case of the former, I feel like I have failed her as a friend by letting her go this long without it!) It had actually been a few years since I'd watched all three of them all the way through-I usually make judicious use of the fast-forward button (for terminator self-surgeries, car chases, etc.). Hee. T2 is still the best, of course-I still think it's a genuinely good movie, my irrational love for the franchise aside-and I still have most of it memorized, and the score is still gorgeous (I think that was the first movie score soundtrack I actually bought, and in terms of diagetic music, I'm pretty sure it was the real genesis of my Guns 'n' Roses love, too). T1 made me go REEEEEEEESE, as usual, and I love watching Sarah start to become the badass Sarah we all know and love. I love the way they lay the groundwork for her having that capacity, and at the same time keep her reactions totally believable as a freaked-out woman who has no idea what the fuck is going on.

And as for T3… okay, I will totally concede that it is a terrible movie. I am not arguing that! The dialogue is awful (though John is very snarky, which I dig), the juvenile jokes are painful, the structure is very paint-by-numbers, there is some skeevy gender stuff going on with the Terminatrix, and the car chase toward the beginning remains one of the most ridiculous things I have ever seen. And I also understand (having had this argument with iceunicorn this morning for approximately the millionth time in the few years we've known each other) that some people feel like it invalidates the message of the first two movies (particularly T2). HOWEVER. I still think the concept is fascinating-especially the ending-even if the execution was terrible. And maybe it's because I saw T2 first, and at an age where I was in a position to identify with John, but I have always approached the franchise as being as much John's story as it is Sarah's, so the transition to focusing on him seems more like a natural generational thing to me than a betrayal of Sarah's character. YMMV. My point is: I still like the movie, not so much for what it was as for what it could have been.

And I still wish they'd stuck with Nick Stahl for the new movies, because I thought he was perfect.

Another side-effect of the rewatch was that I now feel incredibly old. Like I said, when I first saw T2, I was Eddie Furlong's age, so I thought that John Connor was the coolest ever, and of course I was totally in love with him. Now he just looks so LITTLE to me, and watching him try to outrace a semi on his little motorbike totally sets off all my "OMG CHILD IN DANGER" alarms. Totally different experience! And now I feel old. Fortunately, I can still crush on the Nick Stahl incarnation. Not to mention Thomas Dekker. (Hey. THAT IS TOTALLY LEGAL. Even if I will apparently not have that opportunity in the future FUCK YOU FOX.) (Also, number of times SDW and I exclaimed some version of "THERE'S NO CHEESE IN THE FUTURE!" to each other during the marathon: approximately one billion. For example: Sarah to Reese: "Tell me about where you're from." Us: "THERE'S NO CHEESE IN THE FUTURE!" Good times.)

In conclusion, please allow me to recount another thrilling Saturday night Chez McK: we turned on the TV at about 11, only to discover-on PBS, on Soundstage-a Foreigner concert just winding down. (A recent-ish one, so "Feels Like the First Time" had sort of hilarious connotations, given the wrinkles on everyone involved.) We caught "Hot Blooded," "Juke Box Hero" (including a detour into Zeppelin's "Whole Lotta Love" partway through, which… BALLSY, Foreigner!), and "Feels Like the First Time." And I have to say? Wrinkles and all? It was kind of fucking AWESOME, and despite only having about three chords to their names, those guys can actually PLAY, and I THOROUGHLY enjoyed it. I'm not sure what this says about me or about Foreigner, but it put me in a great mood. \m/ So there you go. Don't you wish you could come to my house on Saturday nights? I know you do!

Okay. Work now. But NB: There will be magic-of-the-dance-related pimping/squee from me later in the week! You have been warned!

bones, sarah connor chronicles, fuck you fox, magic of the dance, lift your goblet of rock, birthdays, music, come with me if you want to live

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