They've got a strange obsession for my automatic weapon

Jul 12, 2008 01:18

OH MY GOD FLASHPOINT. We had the EXTREME pleasure of watching this courtesy of sdwolfpup and her big-ass HDTV, and DAMN. That was AWESOME. As was the company in general, as was the fact that as soon as the show started, zabira and mrs_laugh_track and I squished ourselves as close together as possible and proceeded to DIE TOGETHER REPEATEDLY for the next hour or so ( Read more... )


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zabira July 12 2008, 09:00:59 UTC

*lets you go first with the licking*

hi. yeah, i'm STILL totally in the shallow end of the pool.

<3 <3 <3


brynnmck July 12 2008, 09:03:23 UTC
How can you NOT be? He was SO FUCKING HOT! And they SO CLEARLY wanted us to THINK A LOT ABOUT THAT!

I was telling SDW before I left--I was unsure of how Hugh was going to be presented in this show, since he's not exactly conventionally good-looking, and, y'know, he's in his mid-forties, etc.. So while obviously WE are aware of his hotness, I wasn't sure how aware the show would be.

Um. I THINK THEY'RE AWARE. <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3


zabira July 12 2008, 09:04:57 UTC


&hearts &hearts &hearts


mrs_laugh_track July 12 2008, 09:07:19 UTC
Um. I THINK THEY'RE AWARE. <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

Gee, YOU THINK? I mean the STRIPPING and the lingering on his beautiful FACE were pretty subtle.

Uh. I may be replaying his smile over and over in my head. Like one does.

Blah blah blah carabiner pulling?


brynnmck July 12 2008, 09:13:17 UTC
Oh god the CARABINER. I had forgotten that! It's like there was so much awesome in this, it won't all fit in my head at the same time!

(I love how we all went home and IMMEDIATELY got online. Heee.)


mrs_laugh_track July 12 2008, 09:24:26 UTC
If the show continues the way it does we are clearly going to have to find a new way to store awesome. Brains seem kind of inadequate for it. Because dude, I almost forgot about "Mr. Happy". MR. HAPPY! WHAT THE FUCK? Dear Hugh, explain plz? Also lean real close and whisper explanation in my ear if it isn't too much trouble.

(Heee. And DUH. Because I needed to see other people flail about Hugh. Because apparently doing it in person was not enough for one night? Or something? Mr. Happy?)


brynnmck July 12 2008, 09:25:59 UTC
Okay, yes. "Mr. Happy" is now my new default response to EVERYTHING.

(The EARRING-HOLES, Sonia!!!!)


mrs_laugh_track July 12 2008, 09:29:45 UTC
EARRING-HOLES! It's like a little reminder of hot past Hugh coming to hang out with hot future Hugh! It's HISTORY! It's adorable sexcellent history!

... Mr. Happy


brynnmck July 12 2008, 09:55:34 UTC
Okay, so, I am re-watching, and at the end? When Ed is walking into the retirement thingy with Jules? And she's telling him he saved lives, and he's like, "What'd I tell you? Making the world safe so that others can--" and then they say "eat pie" in unison and OMG THEY ARE SO FUCKING ADORABLE! Ed + Jules FTMFW. MR. HAPPY.


mrs_laugh_track July 12 2008, 10:03:49 UTC
EAT PIE! EAT PIE! WORLD SAFE TO EAT PIE. &hearts! That is the cutest thing I have ever heard in my life. ED AND JULES BFF! For reals! The idea that Ed has made this joke before has filled me with so many big floaty hearts. And how does Jules rock so hard? And how did I miss that? (Oh right. The squealing and flailing and MR. HAPPY)

(Am still on NZ time apparently. Sleep does not seem likely. Also brain is full of HUGHHUGHHUGH)


brynnmck July 12 2008, 10:09:00 UTC
IT IS SO CUTE! (And she says it in this HILARIOUS little voice--go back and listen!) I don't know HOW I missed it... though I realized, in skimming back through (will probably re-watch properly tomorrow, but tonight I was all about HUGH-LIGHTS, clearly), that I missed kind of a LOT. Due to the squealing and flailing. TOTALLY worth it, of course. ♥

Okay I MUST try to sleep. Good luck to you, with the sleeping! In conclusion: head ears eyes caribiner Jules Kowalski stripping EYES hugging PIE. *passes out from glee*


mrs_laugh_track July 12 2008, 10:10:13 UTC
Dude. Do not be asleep yet. Just sent you email of very much importance.

Um la la la. Seeing as how email is not actually important. I suggest you do go to sleep. And I most heartily agree with your entire in conclusion. Except maybe I will add: crying, forearms, laughing, sunglasses, hands


brynnmck July 12 2008, 10:15:55 UTC

okay seriously bed now


GIC hieronymousmosh July 12 2008, 18:47:16 UTC
Mmmmpie. HI! The pilot made me SO HAPPY. Gratuitous use of Hugh = <3
And can I just mention that I love that (at least so far) they've created a character who might be all about trying to control his manpain, but can still go home and hug his son like that?? EEE.


PS hieronymousmosh July 12 2008, 18:49:13 UTC
Flashpoint officially tipped me over the edge, I'm feeling very flu-like.


Re: GIC brynnmck July 12 2008, 20:28:33 UTC
HEE! PIE. And ITA about the manpain--I was not expecting that, with his son at the end, and I really liked that they took that direction. Actually, I really like the balance they're going for of action and emotion and team relationships. I LOVE team relationships.

And re: Flu: see? SEEEE? OMG I can't wait for Unhurt to see this.


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