Dude, kick me in the nuts already!

Sep 20, 2006 14:21

This is a somewhat OOC scene. It started impromptu and spiraled out of control. But, really, this is how the boys are when they get together. Quintessentially so. I enjoyed it so much that I thought you guys should, too. It's Br'ce, D'ven, I'sen, and Nari, presumably hanging out at some point in their shared past.

Br'ce says, "Hehe. The guy who always complains "Dude, why is there a chick coming with us?""

D'ven says, "Well no. I mean, she's a womenz. Womenz clean up plants and stuff, right I'sen?"

Br'ce says, "And gets smacked by the rest of the guys, especially Br'ce? :D"

I'sen nods. That's right! Women clean. And mend things. But must always be respected! *... laughs at self*

D'ven says, "I'd just laugh rather than smacking him."

Nari dies. "I love it."

Nari says, "Nari... Nari would probably have the same reaction. Roll her eyes and then try to /prove/ it by acting just like the rest of them."

Br'ce snickers. I'sen as the person who drives her to be even jockier than the jocks?

I'sen is an enabler. :)

I'sen can't say he approves of D'ven's view on relationships, so wouldn't mind making her unattractive to him. >>

Nari cracks her knuckles. "Okay, so here's a question - is D'ven even aware of Nari before she Impresses?"

D'ven says, "Oh, and I suppose you wanna be tied down with your one true wuv, I'sen?"

D'ven makes whipcrack noises.

Nari is pretty unattractive in the first place, truth to tell. She's a genuine 'well, she's got a nice personality...' girl.

I'sen coughs. "I mean... yeah, women. Haha, sleep around.... manlylike......... " >>

D'ven says, "And hmm...probably not. I can't see whether their paths would have crossed, given how shy and retiring she is. He might have seen her around, but he's unlikely to remember."

D'ven slaps I'sen on the back. "That's the spirit! Yarrr, manly things!"

Nari nods, "My thoughts pretty much exactly."

Br'ce eyerolls. "One day, you guys will understand that women are not just playthings. -.-"

I'sen topples over from the force.

I'sen may already understand! .... very, very secretly.

D'ven says, "Nope. They're also cooks, and cleaners, and they do my laundry, and they have babies, and they raise children."

D'ven says, "Oh, and they buy my books. Which is all the proof I need that womenz is teh dumb."

I'sen points. "But D'ven has a point... Several, in fact."

Br'ce says, "Weomn are people too. Though they should know all of those things and do them. They find fulfillment in it."

D'ven says, "Well, duh. Women are people too. Sometimes I think you think we think they're all dragons or something."

Nari snickers.

I'sen says, "Silly, Br'ce!"

Br'ce says, "They might as well be dragons, for all the attentino you pay to what's inside. *grumble*"

D'ven says, "Hey, I'll have you know I pay plenty of attention to what's inside. And the answer is usually me."

Br'ce facedesks. "Thank you, D'ven, we had managed almost three minutes of semi-serious conversation without a penis joke."

I'sen blinks. "Wait, you didn't want penis jokes? Then why is D'ven here?"

D'ven says, "Br'ce, get it right. That was a sex joke."

D'ven says, "But if say I were to kick I'sen in the groin...that would be a penis joke."

Br'ce eyerolls again. "Please don't. It's not as funny as you think. Really."

D'ven says, "Then how come last time I did it, Tiv could barely breathe?"

I'sen is beginning to think he /never/ liked D'ven...

Br'ce says, "Because you kicked /him/. Those weren't tears of laughter."

D'ven says, "Oh....Oh yeah."

Br'ce rolls around laughing.

D'ven says, "See! See! It is funny!"

I'sen eyes, "Which begs the question... has anyone ever kicked /D'ven/."

Br'ce says, "I cannot vocally condone any such activities. But I can privately think it's a good idea."

D'ven says, "It's like male bonding."

Br'ce says, "Psst, I'sen, that's your cue."

D'ven stands legs akimbo, in a manly posture.

I'sen sorries, "You'll have to be more blunt than that. I'm not known for my

D'ven says, "Dude, kick me in the nuts already!"

Br'ce crosses his legs and covers his eyes.

I'sen obliges with gusto! Like the good friend he is.

D'ven crosses his eyes, whimpers, and falls over.

I'sen likes gusto.

Br'ce sighs, and goes over to squat near D'ven. "Was it as fun as you thought it would be?"

D'ven manages to grin through his tears and raise a very slow two thumbs up.

I'sen sidles over cautiously and gives D'ven a mighty back-pat, "Thatta boy!"

Br'ce sighs again, long suffering-like, and goes to pour D'ven a glass of scotch.

D'ven grins at I'sen manically.
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