Briefing, Wing 3C

Sep 20, 2006 14:06

When: Middle of Month 6, Turn 2
Where: Briefing room, Wing 3C
Who: Br'ce, all the members of 3C, and T'ral for some reason.
What: This is just a quick scene I wrote by myself, actually, since I didn't have the time to go and try to schedule all the PC members of 3C to get in a room at the same time, and I wanted to give them some stuff to do. So I'm doing it in this format. Br'ce congratulates 3C another casualty-free Fall, tells them that they need to pick a nickname (and nominates naming the wing after Aida), and then informs them of some of the circumstances surrounding his resignation, following it up with a request that they help "keep an eye" on Aida's safety.

Clearly we need to get some more PCs into this wing. *looks at T'zen and Tavaly enticingly*

It's a normal afternoon debriefing, one that occurs in the wake of a fall over High Reaches Hold that has the distinction of being a completely casualty free one. Spirits are high, and there's jocularity going on. The usual. Spitballs, throwing of objects, and playful bruising punches. In the middle of it stands Br'ce, arms folded, smiling with pride at his riders, though remaining apart from the general raucousness. D'ven is keeping things in some semblence of vague order, and contributing to the general noise level. Oddly as well, T'ral is here as well, at Br'ce's request.

Br'ce lets the noise go on for a moment more, smiling indulgently before rapping his knuckles sharply against the table. It's a mark of the discipline he's instilled that the riders do manage to come to a semblance of order and attention, though one joker makes an armpit fart in the ensuing silence that ensures a wave of laughter. A smile from Br'ce, and he gets down to business.

"A good job flying out there, ladies and gentlemen." He speakes only in a moderate level of volume, making them quiet down in order to be able to hear him. "I am proud to officially announce that we had an entirely casualty- free Fall. I heard from the ground crews and the other wingleaders. It looks like our training has paid off in spades." There's a round of cheering that results, drumming on tables, stamping of boots, and other noise making methods that's allowed to continue for a moment before he squelches them with raised hands.

"The first item on the agenda idea brought up by D'ven." There's a pause and a sidelong glance at the bronzer. "He feels as if our wing should have a nickname. Something to call it instead of three cee. I'm of a mind to let you guys choose one..."

He's immediately interrupted by an outpouring of names. "The Flying Aces!" "Your mom!" "Silly Earmuff Wearing Pansy-Pants!" and a few more that are highly inappropriate and anatomically improbable.

"A semi /serious/ name, thank you very much." Br'ce shouts down the more vocal of his wing. "Not necessarily too serious, but I'd like it to be something we can be proud of, I think. A name that has meaning to us, not just arbitratily pulled out of a hat. My own preference is to name us Aida's Boys--" There's a grin on his face as he says it, and a round of mixed booing and cheering. "--but it's ultimately up to you. Wheover can get the most votes, wins. When we have 3/4 agreeing on a name, that's what we'll pick."

There's another outpouring of excited chatter, politicking going on immediately, including the form of some painful -looking noogies and one attempted licking.

Br'ce lets the chatter go on for a moment, though his expression grows sober. His riders, picking up on it, quickly shush each other to listen. "While we speak of Aida, though, I have some explanations that I owe you. And a request, from myself as a person, not a wingleader. As you all know, I resigned my knot several sevens ago. I know I never quite explained why, because the full answer is a very long one. Suffice it to say that there were threats against Aida, and resigning was how I got her back." There's a moment pause as he rubs at his chin. "

"I had originally intended to stay resigned. But many people spoke to me, people I never would have expected, and they convinced me that my duty lies with being a wingleader. Your wingleader." he emphasizes with pride. "But it has come to our attention that there is a threat being leveled against Aida once more. They intend to try and kill her." One hand tightens on the desk, but his mein otherwise remains calm in the face of sudden shocked whispers and outraged mutterings.

"I have a request of you. I can't be near her all day long, and with the reduced guard complement we have now, neither can the guards. This is where you come in. I don't want you guys being over intrusive, but...if at all possible, keep an eye on her. And keep an eye on any suspicious activity near her. If you can. Please." His voice turns to pleading now. "Things are only going to get more chaotic from this point onwards, I think. We're going to have a slow slide downwards into disorder. What is important is that we look out and protect each other, and stick together as a group. To that end, I ask that you...give me some aid."

He bows his head, and the noise level really errupts now. Questions are being shouted, angry babbling, and in general, a firm spirit of determination--Aida's their charge now, and they're not going to let her get offed on their watch. Oh joy. Lucky Aida.
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