Dec 04, 2005 00:36
so. . . I'm dating the most adorable girl these days. I may've said something along these lines but that was predicated on low esteem and self-deceit. Let me put it like this, when I'm not around her I'm still happy.
At new years I'm giving up cigarettes and marijuana. Also going to put a serious dent in my caffiene addiction. I want a real job, one with benefits and a livable wage. I started work on holyburger. . . finally. I'm taking the line by line fine toothed comb approach. My stories will not write themselves. I'm rediscovering everything I've lost. This one day during my first semester at ku keeps playing in my head. This professor I had (we both hated each other) told me during a meeting we had over a paper I wrote that I was the most brilliant student he'd ever seen at ku. Look at how I've fallen. I'm killing time with napalm. My rut will wash me into the river. I am. Truer words don't get said out loud.
I'm breaking out of depression. The work I've done in the last few months is phenomenal. I'm thinking of starting my own religion or just a philosophy. L Ron Hubbard said it was the best way to get rich, and scientology is as nonsensical as it gets.
I can be great if I stop dampening myself. I will be great. I am great.
. . . how many posts like this will I make until I finally listen to myself?