Oct 18, 2005 22:43
To my generation,
My name is Bryan I'm a 23 year old manboy. I have no focus, I'm lazy. I'm making myself believe I'm insane to cover up an awkward social nature and to make it look like I might actually be interesting. Life has been hammering some lesson about humility for a few years now and my dumbass wasn't picking up.
I've essentially come to grips with the fact that I hate almost ewverything about me. We all have faults, I see mine pretty clearly I think. The "well duh" of this whole thing is I've done nothing but perpetuate these qualities.
I've been trying to change myself since elementary school in some way. I am oblivious, and completely mystified by any of your thought patterns. How about I just be an average likeable guy. I can pull that off right? Maybe, I pretend to be human for five minutes? hmm?
None of you fuckers will leave me a note.
I need to stop being a lazy whiny asshole who sits around bitching about his problems meanwhile only compacting them, making them worse. I need to stop sitting here with a half-childlike acceptance that the universe is just going to magically give me everything I deserve. I'm not going to let shit bother me so much. I'm always upset about women, whether single or otherwise, and I really need to stop that.
The worst thing is I am not remotely unique. Welcome to 90% of my fucking generation. And if you aren't like what I listed you do something else psychologically disrupted. We all want to feel damaged because the world is more sunburn and dog shit than sunshine and lollipops. We just expect the best, and can't even handle the minor dissapoinments. Fuck you all.
With Love,
Bryan "High Stakes Bingo" O'Brien.
p.s. I haven't had a cigarette in four goddamn days