(no subject)

Apr 13, 2010 20:44

I'm enjoying the radio freedom that iPlayer brings - never used to listen to it much, but can now have actual drama when I feel like it. Much fun with essentially Talking Books (yay LeCarre! Yay the infinite repetition of Sherlock Holmes! Relaxing and lulling on the way to sleep.)

OTOH, I'm listening to a repeat of a 1960s detective drama in which the sound effects man patently just popped open a bottle of something fizzy, followed by the hero saying "What was that? It sounded like a revolver shot!"

No. It didn't.

But in better cultural news, those of you who didn't see booster17's hearty rec earlier. Go here for a brilliant time-shifty 3-part story on post-Chosen Buffy. Tragic, funny, mysterious and stuffed with convincing admin!fic touches. What a combination!
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