I need a miscellany icon

Apr 11, 2010 19:22

Spring, spring, spring hooray! I am so much happier now I can walk without huddling, sit outside and read of a weekend, and the trees have leaves so things don't look so grimly naked any more. Which has resulted in a very lazy weekend of much reading and mooching (and entirely failing to buy birthday present for imminently 4-year-old godson - any ( Read more... )

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Comments 20

slaymesoftly April 11 2010, 19:06:20 UTC
I'll be there in spirit...


brutti_ma_buoni April 11 2010, 20:25:43 UTC
We will toast absent friends!


quinara April 11 2010, 19:16:00 UTC
Ooh, spring! Ooh, potential PWP story! OOH, LATIN ( ... )


brutti_ma_buoni April 11 2010, 20:38:14 UTC
Well, considering this request might as well have had a quinara THIS MEANS YOU! label, I'm happy with what I get. Also, I love admin background, as you perfectly well know and would love to hear more council history.

I think I can give context without spoiling anything. It's for a fairly ancient notice (medieval probably, but not specified), posted in a Council jail. So as formal and arrogant as possible would be good. I can certainly live without it specifically referencing Watchers - it will be read by someone who knows the Council's ways and history, so can interpret. (Not Giles, for once).

I slightly prefer 'senatus consultum est', but that's mainly a futile protest against the way Latin contracts everything so efficiently into tiny numbers of words (thus necessitating much agonising grammar work if you're me). But then, I can see 'Senatus consulto' could be what the full Council stamped on its decrees, right up until the end.

So long as you're happy with me poaching your terminology, I'd love to use it.


quinara April 11 2010, 21:05:54 UTC
Council history's great! My version basically follows in the tracks of empires (so they could be most aware of where the slayers are), starting off in East Africa (with the Swahili-speaking shadow men) going up to Egypt then sort of with the Queen of Sheba into Israel, ending up Persian and then drifting to Rome after Alexander, to be scattered and fractured across Europe by Christianity (big fights break out after the Byzantine watchers' escape from Constaninople and there's more Greek texts than people who can read them), with the French and their willingness to publish books the Pope doesn't like (and accept non-Catholic slayers) eventually leading it to stabilise there (I think; I'm a bit murky in this bit), but the revolution leads to a general move to Britain, just in time for dawn to rise on the British Empire. Ta daa ( ... )


brutti_ma_buoni April 11 2010, 21:15:06 UTC
Oh, perfect. I shall have it as a carving not a document, actually, because it looks much better in block caps. There's no explanation of what the decree is - it just is decreed. Grr, Council.

The idea of the Council following empires makes logical sense, actually - otherwise how could they stick together? And we know it ended up being a European-dominated institution, so can overlook the huge developments in the Far East. I'd be tempted to have a schism between the Greeks and Latins, grudgingly patched up in 1453 and after. Though the great Islamic states had marvellous bureaucracies which would also suit - though that makes me want to write a very silly Eunuch!Council fic, which I will *not* be distracted by.

17-18th century France might have been a smidge unhealthy - they do have some ultra-Catholic phases. But there's nowhere ideal instead, and I do like fics set in the ancien regime. Glad they don't get to the UK too soon - silly little island stuck out on the edge of things. Though it is a good place to put your prisons...


deird1 April 11 2010, 20:22:56 UTC
I probably won't be able to come. :(


brutti_ma_buoni April 11 2010, 20:26:29 UTC
Sigh. We will toast absent friends in your honour!


deird1 April 11 2010, 20:29:17 UTC

Silly England, being so far away. *grumbles*


brutti_ma_buoni April 11 2010, 20:40:02 UTC

Ahem, I believe it is your continent that is inconveniently far away from here


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