Nov 29, 2021 19:10
...apparently. I'm not even that busy, but somehow online participation seems tricky. I've spent far too much of the last few days doomscrolling the omicron situation (which is impressive given that all the content is "this is a variant we are assessing, it's too early to say more"). I'm oddly less fretful tonight, having had to go to the office, but nobody's pretending it's great.
21. What are your favorite smells?
Orange blossom (of actual trees), old fashioned roses, coffee (I wish I could drink it).
22. Do you still use a radio or just use your phone/computer for music?
I've never owned a separate radio, unless you count my alarm. I never used to listen to it, and I've got addicted in the last couple of years which is all on my phone.
23. What kind of socks do you prefer to wear?
I love a soft bamboo, but I also love thick hiking socks in winter, when you don't want your shoes to slip.
24. Do you have any family heirlooms?
Yes, though not valuable ones (my grandad went bust in 1938 so everything got sold apart from mementoes). I've got a painted portrait of my great aunt as a kid, from about 1888, and a tiny orange enamelled pot which belonged to her too, though I think that's German interwar stuff, not from her early life. Plus their letters, which is very cool. On my dad's side, his grandad was a carpenter and we've got one of his apprentice pieces. Which is unfortunately a huge breakfront bookcase/dresser which I've no space for and will have to junk.
25. Are there any musicians you didn't like at first but grew on you?
Almost anyone deemed uncool in the 90s is now okay to like, and, well, I don't care much about music.
26. Is there anything you used to love but now dislike?
There are plenty of things I've overdone and now am fairly indifferent to (many TV programmes, some authors), and things I've got less interested in (I used to like fancy restaurants, but now they seem like too much food for too much money). But dislike? Not really. Apart from flying, I guess, which I accidentally got phobic to. It was fun when I was a kid.
27. Your favorite place to be aside from your home?
Belgium. I know it's not typical, but I love it. I was watching a short lecture series about Duerer's journeys which ended with his commercial trip to the Netherlands in 1521. I could have absolutely wept with longing to drop back to somewhere like Antwerp.
28. What is your favorite kind of tea?
I like Lady Grey for fancy places in the afternoon, but basically I drink proper tea (Indian, fairly strong, with milk and one sugar). Yorkshire Gold always the best.
29. Any old home remedies you use when you're sick?
Not with a sense they will cure, but I love honey and lemon for a sore throat. My mum's family are deeply, deeply alternative about loads of things and, well, she's dying slowly of Parkinsons with Alzheimers so sod off to all that. Apart from relaxation and yoga, but those aren't remedies, they're coping techniques.
30. What level of brightness do you usually keep your phone at?
Pretty low. I am an anxious person, so low battery freaks me out. Save that juice!