On the upside, my powers of prophecy have really improved

Apr 01, 2013 15:30

Yep. So that was quite a tedious and depressing Easter. Poor parents, I hope they weren't too cast down by my sniffling. I'm now mostly recovered, though various grim degunging and de-ulcering and other yuk still ongoing.

Grumpy enough that I have employed both Plan A and Plan B in self-cheering. Plan A (to be employed when you feel like you've not got anything done) is to cook something a bit more elaborate than you need, so at least that's nice. Braised mixed spring vegetables was a good addition to warmed up leftovers, anyway. And Plan B (always applicable) is buy flowers. I have pink flowers in an orange vase (a Le Creuset jug technically), and they are garish and lovely. Definite improvement.

Also, I can taste my leftover chocolates now. Also an improvement.

Coming home, I went into HMV determined to buy something. Didn't fall for season 2 Game of Thrones, which I'll get once prices fall, and they seemed to be out of Breaking Bad s4 (I have 3 already lined up), but I did manage a nice seasons 1-3 of Spiral (Engrenages), a cop show set in the Paris suburbs that's like Law and Order without the sense of justice. I don't find it as engaging as something like The Killing, but it has the considerable advantage I'm not glued to the subtitles as I am with Danish stuff. (Downside: I notice how poor some of the subtitles are). It also stars really good actors and the ineffable, delectable Audrey Fleurot, on whom everyone should have impossible crushes, pls. Especially if Christina Hendricks does good things for you. Koff. [New icon in her honour. Because we'll all be yachting in shades soon, yes?] And Gregory Fitoussi, too. Yes. Nobody's really a good guy, but lots of people have comprehensible POVs, so if you fancy some French TV, I do recommend it.
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