Flisties also signed up to Let's Get It Done, your attention please!

Aug 29, 2012 21:10

Quick reminder to writers: if you want to sign up for the mini-bang, you need to do it by the end of Friday 31 August, your time, as I'll be posting a masterlist for artists to snag on Saturday.

I think in my attempts at motivation, I may have been slightly terrifying with the whole 'draft by the end of October thing'. Future attempts at motivation may be more soft-centred. Skeleton draft is fine. Outliney-y draft which needs a lot of reworking is fine. As it is, we have a mini-mini-bang so far! Not a problem, as we'll match up those who sign up, regardless of numbers. But if you *do* want to try working with an artist to illustrate your fic, now would be the moment to commit.

Happy fanworking!

(ETA Thanks for stepping up, flisties. You know who you are. *g*)

get it done

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