Are you Getting It Done? First check in and Mini Bang fic signups are here!

Aug 24, 2012 16:35

Hi comm members! It's late August already and as promised, the time has come for first check in. This is a chance to remind yourself what your goal is by being part of letsgetitdone, and for writers to sign up to the mini bang if you want to be a part of it.

Mini Bang writer signups
If you want us to try to match your fic up with an artist for the mini bang, you DO need to reply to this post even if you already gave a fic summary at main signups. If you want to participate, paste and complete the form below in your reply to this post. Responses are screened so that mini bang signups can go out anonymously. Signed up mini-bang ficcers need to give their artists time to work - by signing up, you're kind of promising a draft will be available to your artist by end of October. Which is in NINE WEEKS. (*flaily panic*) Artists may well work with less than complete drafts, so don't give up entirely at the thought. But still...

Are you signing up for the mini bang? YES, please/NO, thanks
Summary of your proposed fanwork (If possible, include main characters/pairings, any key genre/plot/rating info, and a quote or two if you want. 2-3 sentences are fine; a paragraph at most. Think of this as a tease to interest an artist, but be sure to give enough info that you'll get a match that suits you.)
Is your fic a continuation/completion of a WIP or an existing verse?
Do you have any strong preferences about a type of art to go with your fic? (e.g. manips/icons/banners/drawings/cartoons/vids/happy with anything/please no banners...)
Is there any other information you need an artist to know about for signups? (e.g. you won't have a full draft by October...)

From 1 September, I will post an anon list of mini bang fic summaries for artists to claim. First preference goes to those already signed up, but we do need more artists. As before, I can't promise that if you sign up for mini bang you'll get artwork. But I will pimp the list of anon fic summaries hard and try my very best to recruit enough artists for you all.

General Motivational Stuff
You DO NOT have to respond to this post unless you want to be part of the mini bang. If you don't want to be part of the mini bang but want to motivate yourself by summarising your fic/art plans at this point, feel free to reply freestyle. I'll unscreen your replies unless you request otherwise, since there's no reason for you to be anon. You have just over three months to complete your fanworks for Get It Done!

!modpost: announcements, !modpost: mini bang, !modpost: signups

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