
Apr 04, 2012 19:26

Decided to go with option C for remix, though it's much slighter than the other ideas. It just felt like fun, and that seemed like the way to go. Which, in turn, gave me an idea for Seasonal Spuffy, which I am totally doing. There will be no epic ficcing for this round. But there will be fun ( Read more... )

writing life, summer of sport

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Comments 5

zanthinegirl April 5 2012, 00:15:40 UTC
I live in Seattle. We're not too far (about a 2 hour drive) from Vancouver; which hosted the 2010 winter games. I have relatives on that side of the border. They pretty much whined non-stop about how the games complicated their commutes, but I think they kind of liked watching home on TV!


brutti_ma_buoni April 5 2012, 20:50:40 UTC
*g* No one's giving me the summer off to watch TV, sad to say. (I live near where the tennis happens, but it happens every year and no one's ever suggested I get any support despite a couple of weeks of predictable chaos. So I'm slightly enjoying people who live at the other end of town facing a few issues. Only slightly, I'm not *that* mean.)


anviloverheaven April 5 2012, 13:05:42 UTC
I lived and worked in Sydney during the 2000 games. It was neat! Because of fears that the public transport system would be overloaded, the organisation committee tried to persuade everyone to take annual leave and just stay home for the duration. Most people listened, and those of us that braved the commute got the luxury of empty trains (rarer than hens teeth in Sydney) and having the offices to ourselves. We used the meeting rooms to watch some of the events, and spent the rest of the time in pubs chatting to tourists. Can't remember getting any work done at all. They were wonderful times!!


brutti_ma_buoni April 5 2012, 20:51:34 UTC
Sounds like our organising committee are learning from yours. There isn't a chance I can bunk off and watch the games though; gonna be a very busy summer...


anviloverheaven April 6 2012, 06:00:00 UTC
re: strange tie-ins- I remembered this one this morning...


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