
Apr 04, 2012 19:26

Decided to go with option C for remix, though it's much slighter than the other ideas. It just felt like fun, and that seemed like the way to go. Which, in turn, gave me an idea for Seasonal Spuffy, which I am totally doing. There will be no epic ficcing for this round. But there will be fun.

These Olympics get closer and closer, don't they? Half the adverts I've seen lately have had some reference to them, and my work is now being spammed by doom-mongers offering solutions to problems that haven't happened yet (All your staff will be stuck at home! Or else bunking off down the Sports! You must buy our equipment/service/staff or you will be dooooomed!).

The people at my work involved in documenting the Games - not just the official record, but all the stuff that surrounds them, including the protests and complaints - are quite enjoying this flowering of opportunistic commercialism. We're competing for least likely Olympic tie-in. Let me know if you could help me win with some fine examples...

(It's occurred to me that most of the flist probably haven't lived in a city which is hosting the Olympics. Though Londoners are professionally grumpy sods, and we are naturally all massively narked by the international festival of sport coming to our doorsteps, I thought I might try to remember you guys could be interested in something other than complaints about transport and/or taxation in the run-up! Fact is, it's going pretty well, so far. *crosses fingers*)

writing life, summer of sport

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