(no subject)

Dec 26, 2007 19:10

its been like 4 months since i've been on here.
so sorry for my absence. but i've been just sooo soo busy w/ school and other things.
but i'm gonna try to be back on here more often. :)

well i have found out some greatt news. Narnia, yeah comes out 4 days b4 my b-day.
I was looking around on the computer and i saw this trailer for Prince Caspian and i like freaked! my mom came running into the room and was like what is the matter!?! and i was like Narnia! then she told me to grow up. hehe :)
I'm so seeing that for my b-day!!!! :D

well anyways.
i hope everyone had a wonderful christmas!! i got lots of money, POTC:3, transformers, Evan almighty, and 1st season of 2-a-days!
:)) its all good. but today we took down all the decoration in our house. it was depressing!! :/ but news year is coming up! so i'm pretty excited.

so yeahh.
i think i'm gonna look around and see what i have missed.
(thanks to
ibelonginnarnia for brining me back!)
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