yesturday was the ice race and it was fun! i got to hang out w/ my kelley! and miranda was fun last night happy to see and hang out w/ her! and i hung out w/ everybody else it was great! and me and kelley meet these boys lol and got their numbers and stuff and we were hanging out w/ them and i was hanging w/ this dennis kid the most and kelley was hanging out w/ this marvin kid and yeah i like kissed that kid twice it was werid b/c i just met him and stuff and its just me lol but yea i'll tell u bout it if u ask me b/c i dont feel like typing...but here is some pics from last night..
thats my friend travis and mirandas brother kam
thats me and kelley!
thats fricken dango racing jason! i love this guy!
this is my friends chaz(left) and stephen(on right)
this is some kid marvin i met there
this is from left:marvin,kelley,me,dennis,john,&kate
this is me and miranda! i missed her glad we are friends again
this is me and kelley! i love her!
kelley and miranda
me kelley and miranda
this kelley me and my buddy travis!