Jan 20, 2006 21:04
Alright so today was a half day again 5th and 6th hour examx which were easy so i think i did pretty good on both of them
After school went to nicks house again(i went there yesturday) hung out there for a long time w/ nick kelly todd and shawn Yeah todd is crazy and i gave him a foot massage haha lol and Um Yeah........but i like his basement alot!!haha todd....kelly i feel bad for u b/c u know what u saw!!haha
then me and kelly got a bit to eat at burger king! yum!
then we went home for a few seconds...lol
then we went to jackies! hung out there w/ jackie kelly woo and addam and we were sopose to go to see hostle but i am a miner so shame on me it was all my fault but its ok and we um got "baked" lol and it was my first time haha then we went to mr.sricbs it was good lol but it was fun and i love addam he is so funny and great lol...
Tomorrow is the ice race!! i cant wait i miss kelley!!!
um.....yeah kthanx -Heather-